forest, changing `s sep` such that it is at each second end node larger? The Next CEO of Stack OverflowOverlapping nodes in a decision treeCreating a tree using the forest package such that different nodes are alignedLaTeX: how to make a horizontal tree that is closed at the end (forest)Radial node arrangement in Forest
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forest, changing `s sep` such that it is at each second end node larger?
The Next CEO of Stack OverflowOverlapping nodes in a decision treeCreating a tree using the forest package such that different nodes are alignedLaTeX: how to make a horizontal tree that is closed at the end (forest)Radial node arrangement in Forest
The following MWE generate a tree diagram (using the forest
package) as I like to have:
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep= 1 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
I wonder, if it is possible to obtain the same result without inserting phantom nodes? Also I will appreciate any improvements of the my MWE code.
addendum: one way is insert manually s sep
as is done code below:
[Start,s sep=4mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5,s sep=4mm
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5,s sep=4mm
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
considering above solution the question is now: is possible to write a code in fortree
preamble, which will replace tose manulaly inserted s sep=...
add a comment |
The following MWE generate a tree diagram (using the forest
package) as I like to have:
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep= 1 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
I wonder, if it is possible to obtain the same result without inserting phantom nodes? Also I will appreciate any improvements of the my MWE code.
addendum: one way is insert manually s sep
as is done code below:
[Start,s sep=4mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5,s sep=4mm
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5,s sep=4mm
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
considering above solution the question is now: is possible to write a code in fortree
preamble, which will replace tose manulaly inserted s sep=...
add a comment |
The following MWE generate a tree diagram (using the forest
package) as I like to have:
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep= 1 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
I wonder, if it is possible to obtain the same result without inserting phantom nodes? Also I will appreciate any improvements of the my MWE code.
addendum: one way is insert manually s sep
as is done code below:
[Start,s sep=4mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5,s sep=4mm
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5,s sep=4mm
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
considering above solution the question is now: is possible to write a code in fortree
preamble, which will replace tose manulaly inserted s sep=...
The following MWE generate a tree diagram (using the forest
package) as I like to have:
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep= 1 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
I wonder, if it is possible to obtain the same result without inserting phantom nodes? Also I will appreciate any improvements of the my MWE code.
addendum: one way is insert manually s sep
as is done code below:
[Start,s sep=4mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5,s sep=4mm
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5,s sep=4mm
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep=1mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
considering above solution the question is now: is possible to write a code in fortree
preamble, which will replace tose manulaly inserted s sep=...
edited 4 hours ago
asked 6 hours ago
add a comment |
add a comment |
2 Answers
Yes. Use s sep+
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep+=2mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
And I had this on my machine before Zarko pinged me. (I didn't think it is worthwhile to add an update for it.)
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
s sep=4mm,
l sep=13 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
where level=2s sep+=-1mms sep+=0.5mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
thank you very much for answer. apparently my question is not clear enough. i like to obtain in question showed image with removed ˙phantom` nodes (indicated by% <---
). as i see, in your suggestion the distances between nodes at level 0 are equal. i like to have smaller betweenA11
and bigger betweenA21
, etc.
– Zarko
4 hours ago
@Zarko Sorry, didn't read carefully. Better now?
– marmot
4 hours ago
yes, that is. i need to check how you achieve this :-)
– Zarko
4 hours ago
with help of your answer and after readingforest
documentation again (and again) i figured out solution which i like to have: from your code i remove alls sep+=-3mm
from nodes on the second level and tofortree
add optionwhere level=2s sep+=-1mm
. it works fine.
– Zarko
1 hour ago
@Zarko Yes, I have almost the same thing on my machine.where level=2s sep+=...s sep+=...
but with other dimensions.
– marmot
1 hour ago
add a comment |
Just for record. With help of nice @marmot answer and after reading forest
documentation again (and again) i figured out the solution which i looked for:
documentclass[border=3mm, preview]standalone
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesizesffamily, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "ELS=east"
for tree=
% fill=orange!20,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep=4mm,
where level=2s sep=1mm
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
] endforest
which gives desired result:
add a comment |
Your Answer
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2 Answers
2 Answers
Yes. Use s sep+
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep+=2mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
And I had this on my machine before Zarko pinged me. (I didn't think it is worthwhile to add an update for it.)
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
s sep=4mm,
l sep=13 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
where level=2s sep+=-1mms sep+=0.5mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
thank you very much for answer. apparently my question is not clear enough. i like to obtain in question showed image with removed ˙phantom` nodes (indicated by% <---
). as i see, in your suggestion the distances between nodes at level 0 are equal. i like to have smaller betweenA11
and bigger betweenA21
, etc.
– Zarko
4 hours ago
@Zarko Sorry, didn't read carefully. Better now?
– marmot
4 hours ago
yes, that is. i need to check how you achieve this :-)
– Zarko
4 hours ago
with help of your answer and after readingforest
documentation again (and again) i figured out solution which i like to have: from your code i remove alls sep+=-3mm
from nodes on the second level and tofortree
add optionwhere level=2s sep+=-1mm
. it works fine.
– Zarko
1 hour ago
@Zarko Yes, I have almost the same thing on my machine.where level=2s sep+=...s sep+=...
but with other dimensions.
– marmot
1 hour ago
add a comment |
Yes. Use s sep+
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep+=2mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
And I had this on my machine before Zarko pinged me. (I didn't think it is worthwhile to add an update for it.)
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
s sep=4mm,
l sep=13 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
where level=2s sep+=-1mms sep+=0.5mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
thank you very much for answer. apparently my question is not clear enough. i like to obtain in question showed image with removed ˙phantom` nodes (indicated by% <---
). as i see, in your suggestion the distances between nodes at level 0 are equal. i like to have smaller betweenA11
and bigger betweenA21
, etc.
– Zarko
4 hours ago
@Zarko Sorry, didn't read carefully. Better now?
– marmot
4 hours ago
yes, that is. i need to check how you achieve this :-)
– Zarko
4 hours ago
with help of your answer and after readingforest
documentation again (and again) i figured out solution which i like to have: from your code i remove alls sep+=-3mm
from nodes on the second level and tofortree
add optionwhere level=2s sep+=-1mm
. it works fine.
– Zarko
1 hour ago
@Zarko Yes, I have almost the same thing on my machine.where level=2s sep+=...s sep+=...
but with other dimensions.
– marmot
1 hour ago
add a comment |
Yes. Use s sep+
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep+=2mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
And I had this on my machine before Zarko pinged me. (I didn't think it is worthwhile to add an update for it.)
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
s sep=4mm,
l sep=13 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
where level=2s sep+=-1mms sep+=0.5mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
Yes. Use s sep+
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep+=2mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3,s sep+=-3mm
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
And I had this on my machine before Zarko pinged me. (I didn't think it is worthwhile to add an update for it.)
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesize, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "EL=east"
newcommandELedge label
for tree=
draw, semithick,
parent anchor=children,
s sep=4mm,
l sep=13 mm,
anchor=parent,% <--- work around alignment issue
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%% <--- work around edge labels positioning
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
where level=2s sep+=-1mms sep+=0.5mm
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
%[,phantom,fit=band] % <---
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
edited 1 hour ago
answered 4 hours ago

thank you very much for answer. apparently my question is not clear enough. i like to obtain in question showed image with removed ˙phantom` nodes (indicated by% <---
). as i see, in your suggestion the distances between nodes at level 0 are equal. i like to have smaller betweenA11
and bigger betweenA21
, etc.
– Zarko
4 hours ago
@Zarko Sorry, didn't read carefully. Better now?
– marmot
4 hours ago
yes, that is. i need to check how you achieve this :-)
– Zarko
4 hours ago
with help of your answer and after readingforest
documentation again (and again) i figured out solution which i like to have: from your code i remove alls sep+=-3mm
from nodes on the second level and tofortree
add optionwhere level=2s sep+=-1mm
. it works fine.
– Zarko
1 hour ago
@Zarko Yes, I have almost the same thing on my machine.where level=2s sep+=...s sep+=...
but with other dimensions.
– marmot
1 hour ago
add a comment |
thank you very much for answer. apparently my question is not clear enough. i like to obtain in question showed image with removed ˙phantom` nodes (indicated by% <---
). as i see, in your suggestion the distances between nodes at level 0 are equal. i like to have smaller betweenA11
and bigger betweenA21
, etc.
– Zarko
4 hours ago
@Zarko Sorry, didn't read carefully. Better now?
– marmot
4 hours ago
yes, that is. i need to check how you achieve this :-)
– Zarko
4 hours ago
with help of your answer and after readingforest
documentation again (and again) i figured out solution which i like to have: from your code i remove alls sep+=-3mm
from nodes on the second level and tofortree
add optionwhere level=2s sep+=-1mm
. it works fine.
– Zarko
1 hour ago
@Zarko Yes, I have almost the same thing on my machine.where level=2s sep+=...s sep+=...
but with other dimensions.
– marmot
1 hour ago
thank you very much for answer. apparently my question is not clear enough. i like to obtain in question showed image with removed ˙phantom` nodes (indicated by
% <---
). as i see, in your suggestion the distances between nodes at level 0 are equal. i like to have smaller between A11
and A12
and bigger between A21
and A22
, etc.– Zarko
4 hours ago
thank you very much for answer. apparently my question is not clear enough. i like to obtain in question showed image with removed ˙phantom` nodes (indicated by
% <---
). as i see, in your suggestion the distances between nodes at level 0 are equal. i like to have smaller between A11
and A12
and bigger between A21
and A22
, etc.– Zarko
4 hours ago
@Zarko Sorry, didn't read carefully. Better now?
– marmot
4 hours ago
@Zarko Sorry, didn't read carefully. Better now?
– marmot
4 hours ago
yes, that is. i need to check how you achieve this :-)
– Zarko
4 hours ago
yes, that is. i need to check how you achieve this :-)
– Zarko
4 hours ago
with help of your answer and after reading
documentation again (and again) i figured out solution which i like to have: from your code i remove all s sep+=-3mm
from nodes on the second level and to fortree
add option where level=2s sep+=-1mm
. it works fine.– Zarko
1 hour ago
with help of your answer and after reading
documentation again (and again) i figured out solution which i like to have: from your code i remove all s sep+=-3mm
from nodes on the second level and to fortree
add option where level=2s sep+=-1mm
. it works fine.– Zarko
1 hour ago
@Zarko Yes, I have almost the same thing on my machine.
where level=2s sep+=...s sep+=...
but with other dimensions.– marmot
1 hour ago
@Zarko Yes, I have almost the same thing on my machine.
where level=2s sep+=...s sep+=...
but with other dimensions.– marmot
1 hour ago
add a comment |
Just for record. With help of nice @marmot answer and after reading forest
documentation again (and again) i figured out the solution which i looked for:
documentclass[border=3mm, preview]standalone
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesizesffamily, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "ELS=east"
for tree=
% fill=orange!20,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep=4mm,
where level=2s sep=1mm
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
] endforest
which gives desired result:
add a comment |
Just for record. With help of nice @marmot answer and after reading forest
documentation again (and again) i figured out the solution which i looked for:
documentclass[border=3mm, preview]standalone
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesizesffamily, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "ELS=east"
for tree=
% fill=orange!20,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep=4mm,
where level=2s sep=1mm
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
] endforest
which gives desired result:
add a comment |
Just for record. With help of nice @marmot answer and after reading forest
documentation again (and again) i figured out the solution which i looked for:
documentclass[border=3mm, preview]standalone
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesizesffamily, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "ELS=east"
for tree=
% fill=orange!20,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep=4mm,
where level=2s sep=1mm
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
] endforest
which gives desired result:
Just for record. With help of nice @marmot answer and after reading forest
documentation again (and again) i figured out the solution which i looked for:
documentclass[border=3mm, preview]standalone
tikzsetELS/.style=% Edge Label Style
font=footnotesizesffamily, inner sep=2pt,
anchor=south #1, % label position: "ELS=west" or "ELS=east"
for tree=
% fill=orange!20,
parent anchor=children,
l sep=13 mm,
s sep=4mm,
where level=2s sep=1mm
EL/.style =
before typesetting nodes=%
where n=1%
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=east]$#1$
edge label/.wrap value=node[ELS=west]$#1$
[A, EL=leq 0.5
[A1, EL=leq 0.3
[A11, EL=leq 0.7]
[A12, EL=geq 0.7]
[A2, EL=geq 0.3
[A21, EL=leq 0.7]
[A22, EL=geq 0.7]
[B, EL=geq 0.5
[B1, EL=leq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
[B2, EL=geq 0.3
[B11, EL=leq 0.7]
[B12, EL=geq 0.7]
] endforest
which gives desired result:
edited 1 hour ago
answered 1 hour ago
add a comment |
add a comment |
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