
Showing posts from March 27, 2019

Andorra la Vella Hoto ki waho | Navigation menu42°30′N 1°30′E / 42.5, 1.5www.andorralavella.adwww.andorralavella.ade tāpiri ētahi kōrero

MaramaraAndorra la Vella tāone matuaAndorra (function()var node=document.getElementById("mw-dismissablenotice-anonplace");if(node)node.outerHTML="u003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice"u003Eu003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice-close"u003E[u003Ca tabindex="0" role="button"u003Edismissu003C/au003E]u003C/divu003Eu003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice-body"u003Eu003Cdiv id="localNotice" lang="mi" dir="ltr"u003Eu003Cpu003Eu003Cbigu003EDo you speak u003Ca href="/wiki/Reo_M%C4%81ori" title="Reo Māori"u003EReo Māoriu003C/au003E? u003Cbu003EHelp us to revive the Māori Wikipedia!u003C/bu003E See u003Ca href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Tomokanga_hapori" title="Wikipedia:Tomokanga hapori"u003EWikipedia:Tomokanga haporiu003C/au003E and discuss the future of this project on u003Ca href="/wiki/Wikipedia:K%C5%8Drero" title="Wikipedia:Kōrero"u003EWikipedia...

Was a professor correct to chastise me for writing “Prof. X” rather than “Professor X”?How do you address unknown peers in email?No response from Professor; how should I remind him about writing a recommendation for me?Received an email from potential advisor and my name was wrong. should I correct him?Should I still use “Dear Prof.” to begin an email to a professor that I know?Professor X introduces professor Y to me. Should I CC prof X when emailing prof Y?Writing an email to a professor for teaching assistantship for the second timeHow to get big-picture feedback from advisors, rather than just details, during fieldworkWord choice for salutation in a formal email to your PhD adviser, Is *Dear Boss* appropriate?Indicating work was performed as a student for alumniHelp writing a follow-up letter asking a professor to act as an academic reference

How to pronounce the slash sign How do I go from 300 unfinished/half written blog posts, to published posts? Customer Requests (Sometimes) Drive Me Bonkers! Flow chart document symbol Is `x >> pure y` equivalent to `liftM (const y) x` Is there a good way to store credentials outside of a password manager? How did Doctor Strange see the winning outcome in Avengers: Infinity War? Energy of the particles in the particle accelerator Purchasing a ticket for someone else in another country? Why escape if the_content isnt? Can the discrete variable be a negative number? Unreliable Magic - Is it worth it? Large drywall patch supports Pre-amplifier input protection Tiptoe or tiphoof? Adjusting words to better fit fantasy races Would a high gravity rocky planet be guaranteed to have an atmosphere? Pole-zeros of a real-valued causal FIR system Is HostGator storing my password in plaintext? Why does indent disappear in lists? Why not increase contact su...