Show that if two triangles built on parallel lines, with equal bases have the same perimeter only if they are congruent.Prove that lines intersecting parallel similar triangles are concurrentDoes proving that two lines are parallel require a postulate?proving that $BC' parallel B'C$Without using angle measure how do I prove two lines are parallel to the same line are parallel to each other?Two congruent segments does have the same length?Two triangles cirumcribed a conic problemShow that two parallel lines have the same direction vector from a different definition of parallel lines.Proof: Two triangles have the same ratio of length for each corresponding side then they are similarIf the heights of two triangles are proportional then prove that they are similiarIf ratio of sides of two triangles is constant then the triangles have the same angles
What typically incentivizes a professor to change jobs to a lower ranking university? Accidentally leaked the solution to an assignment, what to do now? (I'm the prof) Is it unprofessional to ask if a job posting on GlassDoor is real? Are the number of citations and number of published articles the most important criteria for a tenure promotion? Arthur Somervell: 1000 Exercises - Meaning of this notation Show that if two triangles built on parallel lines, with equal bases have the same perimeter only if they are congruent. Problem of parity - Can we draw a closed path made up of 20 line segments... Do VLANs within a subnet need to have their own subnet for router on a stick? If I cast Expeditious Retreat, can I Dash as a bonus action on the same turn? can i play a electric guitar through a bass amp? What defenses are there against being summoned by the Gate spell? How old can references or sources in a thesis be? How to write a macro that is braces sensitive...