A coin, having probability p of landing heads and probability of q=(1-p) of landing on heads. Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Flipping a special coin: probability of getting heads equals the proportion of heads in the flips so farBiased coin flipped until $r$ heads appearBiased coin probabilityCoin-flipping experiment: the expected number of flips that land on headsWhy are odds of a coin landing heads $50%$ after $'n'$ consecutive headsWhat is the probability of a biased coin flipping heads (probability of heads is $frac 35$) exactly $65$ times in $100$ trials?Flipping rigged coin, calculating most common number of flips between headsChernoff bound probability: value of $n$ so that with probability $.999$ at least half of the coin flips come out headsFlip a coin 6 times. Probability with past results and probability without past results are different?Probability density function of flipping until heads and tails

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A coin, having probability p of landing heads and probability of q=(1-p) of landing on heads.

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Flipping a special coin: probability of getting heads equals the proportion of heads in the flips so farBiased coin flipped until $r$ heads appearBiased coin probabilityCoin-flipping experiment: the expected number of flips that land on headsWhy are odds of a coin landing heads $50%$ after $'n'$ consecutive headsWhat is the probability of a biased coin flipping heads (probability of heads is $frac 35$) exactly $65$ times in $100$ trials?Flipping rigged coin, calculating most common number of flips between headsChernoff bound probability: value of $n$ so that with probability $.999$ at least half of the coin flips come out headsFlip a coin 6 times. Probability with past results and probability without past results are different?Probability density function of flipping until heads and tails



A coin, having probability p of landing heads and probability of q=(1-p) of landing on heads. It is continuously flipped until at least one head and one tail have been flipped.

This is not part of a homework assignment. I am studying for a final and don't understand the professors solutions.

a.) Find the expected number of flips needed.

Since this is clearly geometric, I would think the solution would be:


However, I am completely wrong.
The answer is


For example, consider we flip for heads first. Then we have:

E(N|H)=$p+pSigma_i=0^inftynp^n-1q$... I am not sure why this makes sense.

I am not entirely sure why we have an added 1 and a factored p,q. Could someone carefully explain why it makes sense that this is the right answer?

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New contributor

Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 2

    It's all a question of the first toss. If it is $H$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get a $T$, if it is $T$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get $H$. Your method is incorrect because the expected number of tosses needed to get one of the two is $1$.
    – lulu
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    In both the title and first paragraph it appears there is $0$ chance of landing tails, so you will wait forever.
    – Ross Millikan
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Note: your sums are hard to follow. What's $n$? The upper limit of the sums should be $infty$, the exponent of the probability ought to be a simple function of $i$. Done correctly, your method ought to work (though it's easier to do it the other way).
    – lulu
    1 hour ago



A coin, having probability p of landing heads and probability of q=(1-p) of landing on heads. It is continuously flipped until at least one head and one tail have been flipped.

This is not part of a homework assignment. I am studying for a final and don't understand the professors solutions.

a.) Find the expected number of flips needed.

Since this is clearly geometric, I would think the solution would be:


However, I am completely wrong.
The answer is


For example, consider we flip for heads first. Then we have:

E(N|H)=$p+pSigma_i=0^inftynp^n-1q$... I am not sure why this makes sense.

I am not entirely sure why we have an added 1 and a factored p,q. Could someone carefully explain why it makes sense that this is the right answer?

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New contributor

Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • 2

    It's all a question of the first toss. If it is $H$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get a $T$, if it is $T$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get $H$. Your method is incorrect because the expected number of tosses needed to get one of the two is $1$.
    – lulu
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    In both the title and first paragraph it appears there is $0$ chance of landing tails, so you will wait forever.
    – Ross Millikan
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Note: your sums are hard to follow. What's $n$? The upper limit of the sums should be $infty$, the exponent of the probability ought to be a simple function of $i$. Done correctly, your method ought to work (though it's easier to do it the other way).
    – lulu
    1 hour ago






A coin, having probability p of landing heads and probability of q=(1-p) of landing on heads. It is continuously flipped until at least one head and one tail have been flipped.

This is not part of a homework assignment. I am studying for a final and don't understand the professors solutions.

a.) Find the expected number of flips needed.

Since this is clearly geometric, I would think the solution would be:


However, I am completely wrong.
The answer is


For example, consider we flip for heads first. Then we have:

E(N|H)=$p+pSigma_i=0^inftynp^n-1q$... I am not sure why this makes sense.

I am not entirely sure why we have an added 1 and a factored p,q. Could someone carefully explain why it makes sense that this is the right answer?

share|cite|improve this question

New contributor

Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


A coin, having probability p of landing heads and probability of q=(1-p) of landing on heads. It is continuously flipped until at least one head and one tail have been flipped.

This is not part of a homework assignment. I am studying for a final and don't understand the professors solutions.

a.) Find the expected number of flips needed.

Since this is clearly geometric, I would think the solution would be:


However, I am completely wrong.
The answer is


For example, consider we flip for heads first. Then we have:

E(N|H)=$p+pSigma_i=0^inftynp^n-1q$... I am not sure why this makes sense.

I am not entirely sure why we have an added 1 and a factored p,q. Could someone carefully explain why it makes sense that this is the right answer?

probability probability-theory probability-distributions expected-value

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Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited 2 hours ago

Mistah White

New contributor

Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 2 hours ago

Mistah WhiteMistah White



New contributor

Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Mistah White is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 2

    It's all a question of the first toss. If it is $H$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get a $T$, if it is $T$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get $H$. Your method is incorrect because the expected number of tosses needed to get one of the two is $1$.
    – lulu
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    In both the title and first paragraph it appears there is $0$ chance of landing tails, so you will wait forever.
    – Ross Millikan
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Note: your sums are hard to follow. What's $n$? The upper limit of the sums should be $infty$, the exponent of the probability ought to be a simple function of $i$. Done correctly, your method ought to work (though it's easier to do it the other way).
    – lulu
    1 hour ago

  • 2

    It's all a question of the first toss. If it is $H$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get a $T$, if it is $T$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get $H$. Your method is incorrect because the expected number of tosses needed to get one of the two is $1$.
    – lulu
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    In both the title and first paragraph it appears there is $0$ chance of landing tails, so you will wait forever.
    – Ross Millikan
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    Note: your sums are hard to follow. What's $n$? The upper limit of the sums should be $infty$, the exponent of the probability ought to be a simple function of $i$. Done correctly, your method ought to work (though it's easier to do it the other way).
    – lulu
    1 hour ago



It's all a question of the first toss. If it is $H$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get a $T$, if it is $T$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get $H$. Your method is incorrect because the expected number of tosses needed to get one of the two is $1$.
– lulu
2 hours ago

It's all a question of the first toss. If it is $H$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get a $T$, if it is $T$ then you just get one more than the expected time to get $H$. Your method is incorrect because the expected number of tosses needed to get one of the two is $1$.
– lulu
2 hours ago

In both the title and first paragraph it appears there is $0$ chance of landing tails, so you will wait forever.
– Ross Millikan
2 hours ago

In both the title and first paragraph it appears there is $0$ chance of landing tails, so you will wait forever.
– Ross Millikan
2 hours ago

Note: your sums are hard to follow. What's $n$? The upper limit of the sums should be $infty$, the exponent of the probability ought to be a simple function of $i$. Done correctly, your method ought to work (though it's easier to do it the other way).
– lulu
1 hour ago

Note: your sums are hard to follow. What's $n$? The upper limit of the sums should be $infty$, the exponent of the probability ought to be a simple function of $i$. Done correctly, your method ought to work (though it's easier to do it the other way).
– lulu
1 hour ago

2 Answers






If you get a head with probability $p$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(X)$ where $X$ is a geometric distribution requiring a tail to be thrown with probability $q$ so $1+E(X)=1+frac1q$. Similarly if you throw a tail with probability $q$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(Y)$ where $Y$ is a geometric distribution requiring a head to be thrown with probability $p$ so $1+E(Y)=1+frac1p$. This means that the overall expected number of throws is
because there is a probability $p$ that the expected number of throws is given by $1+E(X)$ and probability $q$ that it is given by $1+E(Y)$.

share|cite|improve this answer




    Let $X$ be the time of the first head, and $Y$ the time of the first tail, and $W$ the first time when a head and a tail has been flipped.

    You are right in assuming that $E[X]=frac1p$ and $E[Y]=frac1q$, But you are wrong in assuming that $W=X+Y$, that's simply not true, actually $W=max(X,Y)$.

    A possible approach. Let $A$ be the indicator variable of the event: "first coin was a head" (hence $X=1$).

    Then use $$E[W]=E[E[W | A ]] = P(A=1) E[W|A=1]+P(A=0) E[W|A=0]=\=p(E[Y]+1)+q(E[X]+1)$$

    share|cite|improve this answer


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      If you get a head with probability $p$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(X)$ where $X$ is a geometric distribution requiring a tail to be thrown with probability $q$ so $1+E(X)=1+frac1q$. Similarly if you throw a tail with probability $q$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(Y)$ where $Y$ is a geometric distribution requiring a head to be thrown with probability $p$ so $1+E(Y)=1+frac1p$. This means that the overall expected number of throws is
      because there is a probability $p$ that the expected number of throws is given by $1+E(X)$ and probability $q$ that it is given by $1+E(Y)$.

      share|cite|improve this answer




        If you get a head with probability $p$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(X)$ where $X$ is a geometric distribution requiring a tail to be thrown with probability $q$ so $1+E(X)=1+frac1q$. Similarly if you throw a tail with probability $q$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(Y)$ where $Y$ is a geometric distribution requiring a head to be thrown with probability $p$ so $1+E(Y)=1+frac1p$. This means that the overall expected number of throws is
        because there is a probability $p$ that the expected number of throws is given by $1+E(X)$ and probability $q$ that it is given by $1+E(Y)$.

        share|cite|improve this answer






          If you get a head with probability $p$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(X)$ where $X$ is a geometric distribution requiring a tail to be thrown with probability $q$ so $1+E(X)=1+frac1q$. Similarly if you throw a tail with probability $q$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(Y)$ where $Y$ is a geometric distribution requiring a head to be thrown with probability $p$ so $1+E(Y)=1+frac1p$. This means that the overall expected number of throws is
          because there is a probability $p$ that the expected number of throws is given by $1+E(X)$ and probability $q$ that it is given by $1+E(Y)$.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          If you get a head with probability $p$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(X)$ where $X$ is a geometric distribution requiring a tail to be thrown with probability $q$ so $1+E(X)=1+frac1q$. Similarly if you throw a tail with probability $q$ then the expected number of throws is $1+E(Y)$ where $Y$ is a geometric distribution requiring a head to be thrown with probability $p$ so $1+E(Y)=1+frac1p$. This means that the overall expected number of throws is
          because there is a probability $p$ that the expected number of throws is given by $1+E(X)$ and probability $q$ that it is given by $1+E(Y)$.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          edited 1 hour ago

          answered 2 hours ago

          Peter ForemanPeter Foreman





              Let $X$ be the time of the first head, and $Y$ the time of the first tail, and $W$ the first time when a head and a tail has been flipped.

              You are right in assuming that $E[X]=frac1p$ and $E[Y]=frac1q$, But you are wrong in assuming that $W=X+Y$, that's simply not true, actually $W=max(X,Y)$.

              A possible approach. Let $A$ be the indicator variable of the event: "first coin was a head" (hence $X=1$).

              Then use $$E[W]=E[E[W | A ]] = P(A=1) E[W|A=1]+P(A=0) E[W|A=0]=\=p(E[Y]+1)+q(E[X]+1)$$

              share|cite|improve this answer




                Let $X$ be the time of the first head, and $Y$ the time of the first tail, and $W$ the first time when a head and a tail has been flipped.

                You are right in assuming that $E[X]=frac1p$ and $E[Y]=frac1q$, But you are wrong in assuming that $W=X+Y$, that's simply not true, actually $W=max(X,Y)$.

                A possible approach. Let $A$ be the indicator variable of the event: "first coin was a head" (hence $X=1$).

                Then use $$E[W]=E[E[W | A ]] = P(A=1) E[W|A=1]+P(A=0) E[W|A=0]=\=p(E[Y]+1)+q(E[X]+1)$$

                share|cite|improve this answer






                  Let $X$ be the time of the first head, and $Y$ the time of the first tail, and $W$ the first time when a head and a tail has been flipped.

                  You are right in assuming that $E[X]=frac1p$ and $E[Y]=frac1q$, But you are wrong in assuming that $W=X+Y$, that's simply not true, actually $W=max(X,Y)$.

                  A possible approach. Let $A$ be the indicator variable of the event: "first coin was a head" (hence $X=1$).

                  Then use $$E[W]=E[E[W | A ]] = P(A=1) E[W|A=1]+P(A=0) E[W|A=0]=\=p(E[Y]+1)+q(E[X]+1)$$

                  share|cite|improve this answer


                  Let $X$ be the time of the first head, and $Y$ the time of the first tail, and $W$ the first time when a head and a tail has been flipped.

                  You are right in assuming that $E[X]=frac1p$ and $E[Y]=frac1q$, But you are wrong in assuming that $W=X+Y$, that's simply not true, actually $W=max(X,Y)$.

                  A possible approach. Let $A$ be the indicator variable of the event: "first coin was a head" (hence $X=1$).

                  Then use $$E[W]=E[E[W | A ]] = P(A=1) E[W|A=1]+P(A=0) E[W|A=0]=\=p(E[Y]+1)+q(E[X]+1)$$

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  edited 1 hour ago

                  answered 2 hours ago




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