Why does Python start at index -1 when indexing a list from the end? Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern) The Ask Question Wizard is Live! Data science time! April 2019 and salary with experience Should we burninate the [wrap] tag?Finding the index of an item given a list containing it in PythonWhat does the “yield” keyword do?Difference between append vs. extend list methods in PythonDoes Python have a ternary conditional operator?Accessing the index in 'for' loops?How do I remove an element from a list by index in Python?Getting the last element of a list in PythonHow do I get the number of elements in a list in Python?How do I concatenate two lists in Python?Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method?

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Why does Python start at index -1 when indexing a list from the end?

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)
The Ask Question Wizard is Live!
Data science time! April 2019 and salary with experience
Should we burninate the [wrap] tag?Finding the index of an item given a list containing it in PythonWhat does the “yield” keyword do?Difference between append vs. extend list methods in PythonDoes Python have a ternary conditional operator?Accessing the index in 'for' loops?How do I remove an element from a list by index in Python?Getting the last element of a list in PythonHow do I get the number of elements in a list in Python?How do I concatenate two lists in Python?Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method?

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list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
print(list[3]) # Number 3 is "d"

print(list[-4]) # Number -4 is "a"

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New contributor

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 27

    Don't use list as a variable name, it's the name of a standard class.

    – Barmar
    10 hours ago

  • 8

    It isn't starting at 1, it's starting at -1. ?!?

    – Thomas Weller
    6 hours ago

  • 1

    mod arithmetic should really be mentioned on this page somewhere...

    – Nacht
    2 hours ago


list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
print(list[3]) # Number 3 is "d"

print(list[-4]) # Number -4 is "a"

share|improve this question

New contributor

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 27

    Don't use list as a variable name, it's the name of a standard class.

    – Barmar
    10 hours ago

  • 8

    It isn't starting at 1, it's starting at -1. ?!?

    – Thomas Weller
    6 hours ago

  • 1

    mod arithmetic should really be mentioned on this page somewhere...

    – Nacht
    2 hours ago





list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
print(list[3]) # Number 3 is "d"

print(list[-4]) # Number -4 is "a"

share|improve this question

New contributor

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
print(list[3]) # Number 3 is "d"

print(list[-4]) # Number -4 is "a"

python list

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New contributor

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

share|improve this question

New contributor

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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share|improve this question

edited 16 mins ago

Aaron Hall



New contributor

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 18 hours ago




New contributor

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

abraham is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 27

    Don't use list as a variable name, it's the name of a standard class.

    – Barmar
    10 hours ago

  • 8

    It isn't starting at 1, it's starting at -1. ?!?

    – Thomas Weller
    6 hours ago

  • 1

    mod arithmetic should really be mentioned on this page somewhere...

    – Nacht
    2 hours ago

  • 27

    Don't use list as a variable name, it's the name of a standard class.

    – Barmar
    10 hours ago

  • 8

    It isn't starting at 1, it's starting at -1. ?!?

    – Thomas Weller
    6 hours ago

  • 1

    mod arithmetic should really be mentioned on this page somewhere...

    – Nacht
    2 hours ago



Don't use list as a variable name, it's the name of a standard class.

– Barmar
10 hours ago

Don't use list as a variable name, it's the name of a standard class.

– Barmar
10 hours ago



It isn't starting at 1, it's starting at -1. ?!?

– Thomas Weller
6 hours ago

It isn't starting at 1, it's starting at -1. ?!?

– Thomas Weller
6 hours ago



mod arithmetic should really be mentioned on this page somewhere...

– Nacht
2 hours ago

mod arithmetic should really be mentioned on this page somewhere...

– Nacht
2 hours ago

7 Answers





To explain it in another way, because -0 is equal to 0, if backward starts from 0, it is ambiguous to the interpreter.

If you are confused about -, and looking for another way to index backwards more understandably, you can try ~, it is a mirror of forward:

arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
print(arr[~0]) # d
print(arr[~1]) # c

The typical usages for ~ are like "swap mirror node" or "find median in a sort list":

def reverse(arr):
for i in range(len(arr)//2):
arr[i], arr[~i] = arr[~i], arr[i]

def median(arr):
mid = len(arr) // 2
return (arr[mid] + arr[~mid]) / 2

~ actually is a math trick of inverse code and complement code, and it is more easy to understand in some situations.

Discussion about whether should use python tricks like ~:

In my opinion, if it is a code maintained by yourself, you can use any trick to avoid potential bug or achieve goal easier, because of maybe a high readability and usability. But in team work, avoid using 'too clever' code, may bring troubles to your co-workers.

For example, here is one concise code from Stefan Pochmann to solve this problem. I learned a lot from his code. But some are just for fun, too hackish to use.

def findStrobogrammatic(self, n):
nums = n % 2 * list('018') or ['']
while n > 1:
n -= 2
# n < 2 is so genius here
nums = [a + num + b for a, b in '00 11 88 69 96'.split()[n < 2:] for num in nums]
return nums

share|improve this answer

  • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

    – Samuel Liew
    2 hours ago



Is short hand for:


The len(list) part is implicit. That's why the -1 is the last element. That goes for any negative index - the subtraction from len(list) is always implicit

share|improve this answer

  • 5

    In my opinion this answer is better than the accepted one.

    – NicolasB
    14 hours ago

  • 3

    Be aware that list[-n] and list[len(list)-n] are only equivilent for values of n between 1 and len(list). This becomes especially important when slicing rather than indexing.

    – plugwash
    9 hours ago


Because -0 in Python is 0.

With 0 you get first element of list and
with -1 you get the last element of the list.

list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
print(list[0]) # "a"
print(list[-1]) # "d"

share|improve this answer

  • I think -0 is 0 pretty much everywhere.

    – Koray Tugay
    10 hours ago

  • 2

    @KorayTugay Except in floating point.

    – Barmar
    10 hours ago

  • I guess that is not 0 anymore. @Barmar

    – Koray Tugay
    10 hours ago

  • @KorayTugay It is. The binary representation is even all 0s. Floating point also just has another 0, where the sign bit is 1.

    – curiousdannii
    2 hours ago


This is the mnemonic method I use. It is just an approach of what is happening, but it works.

Don't think of those as indexes. Think of them as offsets on a circular list.

Let's use the list x = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] as an example. Think about x[2] and x[-2]:

enter image description here

You start at offset zero. If you move two steps forward, you're going from a to b (0 to 1), and them from b to c (1 to 2).

If you move two steps backward, you're going from a to h (0 to -1), and then from h to g (-1 to -2)

share|improve this answer

  • "Think about a[2] and a[-2]" is a the list, or an element of the list?

    – detly
    3 hours ago

  • "a" is an hypothetical list which contains the values a-h! I'll clarify!

    – T. Sar
    10 mins ago


Another explanation:

Your finger points to the first element. The index decides how many places you shift your finger to the right. If the number is negative, you shift your finger to the left.

Of course, you cant step to the left from the first element, so the first step to the left wraps around to the last element.

share|improve this answer

New contributor

Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    This idiom can be justified using modular arithmetic. We can think of indices as referring to a cell in a list obtained by walking forward i elements. -1 referring to the last element of the list is a natural generalization of this, since we arrive at the last element in the list if we walk backwards one step from the start of the list.

    For any list xs and index i positive or negative, the expression


    will either have the same value as the expression below or produce an IndexError:

    xs[i % len(xs)]

    The index of the last element is -1 + len(xs) which is congruent to -1 mod len(xs). For example, in an array of length 12, the canonical index of the last element is 11. 11 is congruent to -1 mod 12.

    In Python, though, arrays are more often used as linear data structures than circular ones, so indexes larger than len(xs) or smaller than -1-len(xs) are out of bounds since there's seldom a need for them and the effects would be really counterintuitive if the size of the array ever changed.

    share|improve this answer


      In a comment, abraham asked

      I wish python has another mechanism to get list backward.

      For another way to access lists backwards, one could simply first reverse the list and then access the elements as usual:

      lst = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(lst[::-1][0]) # "d"
      print(lst[::-1][1]) # "c"

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      • 2

        True, but not really answer the question "why".

        – Valentino
        15 hours ago

      • 4

        It's a waste of ressources to create a whole new list in order to retrieve a single element.

        – Eric Duminil
        14 hours ago

      • What is the use of showing another way to solve a task when it is all of, syntaxly, logically and computationally more complex than the standard method?

        – Sam
        10 hours ago

      • @Sam Why use C when we got Assembly?

        – mid
        10 hours ago

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      7 Answers




      7 Answers











      To explain it in another way, because -0 is equal to 0, if backward starts from 0, it is ambiguous to the interpreter.

      If you are confused about -, and looking for another way to index backwards more understandably, you can try ~, it is a mirror of forward:

      arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(arr[~0]) # d
      print(arr[~1]) # c

      The typical usages for ~ are like "swap mirror node" or "find median in a sort list":

      def reverse(arr):
      for i in range(len(arr)//2):
      arr[i], arr[~i] = arr[~i], arr[i]

      def median(arr):
      mid = len(arr) // 2
      return (arr[mid] + arr[~mid]) / 2

      ~ actually is a math trick of inverse code and complement code, and it is more easy to understand in some situations.

      Discussion about whether should use python tricks like ~:

      In my opinion, if it is a code maintained by yourself, you can use any trick to avoid potential bug or achieve goal easier, because of maybe a high readability and usability. But in team work, avoid using 'too clever' code, may bring troubles to your co-workers.

      For example, here is one concise code from Stefan Pochmann to solve this problem. I learned a lot from his code. But some are just for fun, too hackish to use.

      def findStrobogrammatic(self, n):
      nums = n % 2 * list('018') or ['']
      while n > 1:
      n -= 2
      # n < 2 is so genius here
      nums = [a + num + b for a, b in '00 11 88 69 96'.split()[n < 2:] for num in nums]
      return nums

      share|improve this answer

      • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

        – Samuel Liew
        2 hours ago


      To explain it in another way, because -0 is equal to 0, if backward starts from 0, it is ambiguous to the interpreter.

      If you are confused about -, and looking for another way to index backwards more understandably, you can try ~, it is a mirror of forward:

      arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(arr[~0]) # d
      print(arr[~1]) # c

      The typical usages for ~ are like "swap mirror node" or "find median in a sort list":

      def reverse(arr):
      for i in range(len(arr)//2):
      arr[i], arr[~i] = arr[~i], arr[i]

      def median(arr):
      mid = len(arr) // 2
      return (arr[mid] + arr[~mid]) / 2

      ~ actually is a math trick of inverse code and complement code, and it is more easy to understand in some situations.

      Discussion about whether should use python tricks like ~:

      In my opinion, if it is a code maintained by yourself, you can use any trick to avoid potential bug or achieve goal easier, because of maybe a high readability and usability. But in team work, avoid using 'too clever' code, may bring troubles to your co-workers.

      For example, here is one concise code from Stefan Pochmann to solve this problem. I learned a lot from his code. But some are just for fun, too hackish to use.

      def findStrobogrammatic(self, n):
      nums = n % 2 * list('018') or ['']
      while n > 1:
      n -= 2
      # n < 2 is so genius here
      nums = [a + num + b for a, b in '00 11 88 69 96'.split()[n < 2:] for num in nums]
      return nums

      share|improve this answer

      • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

        – Samuel Liew
        2 hours ago




      To explain it in another way, because -0 is equal to 0, if backward starts from 0, it is ambiguous to the interpreter.

      If you are confused about -, and looking for another way to index backwards more understandably, you can try ~, it is a mirror of forward:

      arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(arr[~0]) # d
      print(arr[~1]) # c

      The typical usages for ~ are like "swap mirror node" or "find median in a sort list":

      def reverse(arr):
      for i in range(len(arr)//2):
      arr[i], arr[~i] = arr[~i], arr[i]

      def median(arr):
      mid = len(arr) // 2
      return (arr[mid] + arr[~mid]) / 2

      ~ actually is a math trick of inverse code and complement code, and it is more easy to understand in some situations.

      Discussion about whether should use python tricks like ~:

      In my opinion, if it is a code maintained by yourself, you can use any trick to avoid potential bug or achieve goal easier, because of maybe a high readability and usability. But in team work, avoid using 'too clever' code, may bring troubles to your co-workers.

      For example, here is one concise code from Stefan Pochmann to solve this problem. I learned a lot from his code. But some are just for fun, too hackish to use.

      def findStrobogrammatic(self, n):
      nums = n % 2 * list('018') or ['']
      while n > 1:
      n -= 2
      # n < 2 is so genius here
      nums = [a + num + b for a, b in '00 11 88 69 96'.split()[n < 2:] for num in nums]
      return nums

      share|improve this answer

      To explain it in another way, because -0 is equal to 0, if backward starts from 0, it is ambiguous to the interpreter.

      If you are confused about -, and looking for another way to index backwards more understandably, you can try ~, it is a mirror of forward:

      arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(arr[~0]) # d
      print(arr[~1]) # c

      The typical usages for ~ are like "swap mirror node" or "find median in a sort list":

      def reverse(arr):
      for i in range(len(arr)//2):
      arr[i], arr[~i] = arr[~i], arr[i]

      def median(arr):
      mid = len(arr) // 2
      return (arr[mid] + arr[~mid]) / 2

      ~ actually is a math trick of inverse code and complement code, and it is more easy to understand in some situations.

      Discussion about whether should use python tricks like ~:

      In my opinion, if it is a code maintained by yourself, you can use any trick to avoid potential bug or achieve goal easier, because of maybe a high readability and usability. But in team work, avoid using 'too clever' code, may bring troubles to your co-workers.

      For example, here is one concise code from Stefan Pochmann to solve this problem. I learned a lot from his code. But some are just for fun, too hackish to use.

      def findStrobogrammatic(self, n):
      nums = n % 2 * list('018') or ['']
      while n > 1:
      n -= 2
      # n < 2 is so genius here
      nums = [a + num + b for a, b in '00 11 88 69 96'.split()[n < 2:] for num in nums]
      return nums

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited 9 hours ago

      answered 18 hours ago




      • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

        – Samuel Liew
        2 hours ago

      • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

        – Samuel Liew
        2 hours ago

      Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

      – Samuel Liew
      2 hours ago

      Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

      – Samuel Liew
      2 hours ago



      Is short hand for:


      The len(list) part is implicit. That's why the -1 is the last element. That goes for any negative index - the subtraction from len(list) is always implicit

      share|improve this answer

      • 5

        In my opinion this answer is better than the accepted one.

        – NicolasB
        14 hours ago

      • 3

        Be aware that list[-n] and list[len(list)-n] are only equivilent for values of n between 1 and len(list). This becomes especially important when slicing rather than indexing.

        – plugwash
        9 hours ago



      Is short hand for:


      The len(list) part is implicit. That's why the -1 is the last element. That goes for any negative index - the subtraction from len(list) is always implicit

      share|improve this answer

      • 5

        In my opinion this answer is better than the accepted one.

        – NicolasB
        14 hours ago

      • 3

        Be aware that list[-n] and list[len(list)-n] are only equivilent for values of n between 1 and len(list). This becomes especially important when slicing rather than indexing.

        – plugwash
        9 hours ago





      Is short hand for:


      The len(list) part is implicit. That's why the -1 is the last element. That goes for any negative index - the subtraction from len(list) is always implicit

      share|improve this answer


      Is short hand for:


      The len(list) part is implicit. That's why the -1 is the last element. That goes for any negative index - the subtraction from len(list) is always implicit

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered 18 hours ago




      • 5

        In my opinion this answer is better than the accepted one.

        – NicolasB
        14 hours ago

      • 3

        Be aware that list[-n] and list[len(list)-n] are only equivilent for values of n between 1 and len(list). This becomes especially important when slicing rather than indexing.

        – plugwash
        9 hours ago

      • 5

        In my opinion this answer is better than the accepted one.

        – NicolasB
        14 hours ago

      • 3

        Be aware that list[-n] and list[len(list)-n] are only equivilent for values of n between 1 and len(list). This becomes especially important when slicing rather than indexing.

        – plugwash
        9 hours ago



      In my opinion this answer is better than the accepted one.

      – NicolasB
      14 hours ago

      In my opinion this answer is better than the accepted one.

      – NicolasB
      14 hours ago



      Be aware that list[-n] and list[len(list)-n] are only equivilent for values of n between 1 and len(list). This becomes especially important when slicing rather than indexing.

      – plugwash
      9 hours ago

      Be aware that list[-n] and list[len(list)-n] are only equivilent for values of n between 1 and len(list). This becomes especially important when slicing rather than indexing.

      – plugwash
      9 hours ago


      Because -0 in Python is 0.

      With 0 you get first element of list and
      with -1 you get the last element of the list.

      list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(list[0]) # "a"
      print(list[-1]) # "d"

      share|improve this answer

      • I think -0 is 0 pretty much everywhere.

        – Koray Tugay
        10 hours ago

      • 2

        @KorayTugay Except in floating point.

        – Barmar
        10 hours ago

      • I guess that is not 0 anymore. @Barmar

        – Koray Tugay
        10 hours ago

      • @KorayTugay It is. The binary representation is even all 0s. Floating point also just has another 0, where the sign bit is 1.

        – curiousdannii
        2 hours ago


      Because -0 in Python is 0.

      With 0 you get first element of list and
      with -1 you get the last element of the list.

      list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(list[0]) # "a"
      print(list[-1]) # "d"

      share|improve this answer

      • I think -0 is 0 pretty much everywhere.

        – Koray Tugay
        10 hours ago

      • 2

        @KorayTugay Except in floating point.

        – Barmar
        10 hours ago

      • I guess that is not 0 anymore. @Barmar

        – Koray Tugay
        10 hours ago

      • @KorayTugay It is. The binary representation is even all 0s. Floating point also just has another 0, where the sign bit is 1.

        – curiousdannii
        2 hours ago




      Because -0 in Python is 0.

      With 0 you get first element of list and
      with -1 you get the last element of the list.

      list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(list[0]) # "a"
      print(list[-1]) # "d"

      share|improve this answer

      Because -0 in Python is 0.

      With 0 you get first element of list and
      with -1 you get the last element of the list.

      list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
      print(list[0]) # "a"
      print(list[-1]) # "d"

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited 18 hours ago

      answered 18 hours ago




      • I think -0 is 0 pretty much everywhere.

        – Koray Tugay
        10 hours ago

      • 2

        @KorayTugay Except in floating point.

        – Barmar
        10 hours ago

      • I guess that is not 0 anymore. @Barmar

        – Koray Tugay
        10 hours ago

      • @KorayTugay It is. The binary representation is even all 0s. Floating point also just has another 0, where the sign bit is 1.

        – curiousdannii
        2 hours ago

      • I think -0 is 0 pretty much everywhere.

        – Koray Tugay
        10 hours ago

      • 2

        @KorayTugay Except in floating point.

        – Barmar
        10 hours ago

      • I guess that is not 0 anymore. @Barmar

        – Koray Tugay
        10 hours ago

      • @KorayTugay It is. The binary representation is even all 0s. Floating point also just has another 0, where the sign bit is 1.

        – curiousdannii
        2 hours ago

      I think -0 is 0 pretty much everywhere.

      – Koray Tugay
      10 hours ago

      I think -0 is 0 pretty much everywhere.

      – Koray Tugay
      10 hours ago



      @KorayTugay Except in floating point.

      – Barmar
      10 hours ago

      @KorayTugay Except in floating point.

      – Barmar
      10 hours ago

      I guess that is not 0 anymore. @Barmar

      – Koray Tugay
      10 hours ago

      I guess that is not 0 anymore. @Barmar

      – Koray Tugay
      10 hours ago

      @KorayTugay It is. The binary representation is even all 0s. Floating point also just has another 0, where the sign bit is 1.

      – curiousdannii
      2 hours ago

      @KorayTugay It is. The binary representation is even all 0s. Floating point also just has another 0, where the sign bit is 1.

      – curiousdannii
      2 hours ago


      This is the mnemonic method I use. It is just an approach of what is happening, but it works.

      Don't think of those as indexes. Think of them as offsets on a circular list.

      Let's use the list x = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] as an example. Think about x[2] and x[-2]:

      enter image description here

      You start at offset zero. If you move two steps forward, you're going from a to b (0 to 1), and them from b to c (1 to 2).

      If you move two steps backward, you're going from a to h (0 to -1), and then from h to g (-1 to -2)

      share|improve this answer

      • "Think about a[2] and a[-2]" is a the list, or an element of the list?

        – detly
        3 hours ago

      • "a" is an hypothetical list which contains the values a-h! I'll clarify!

        – T. Sar
        10 mins ago


      This is the mnemonic method I use. It is just an approach of what is happening, but it works.

      Don't think of those as indexes. Think of them as offsets on a circular list.

      Let's use the list x = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] as an example. Think about x[2] and x[-2]:

      enter image description here

      You start at offset zero. If you move two steps forward, you're going from a to b (0 to 1), and them from b to c (1 to 2).

      If you move two steps backward, you're going from a to h (0 to -1), and then from h to g (-1 to -2)

      share|improve this answer

      • "Think about a[2] and a[-2]" is a the list, or an element of the list?

        – detly
        3 hours ago

      • "a" is an hypothetical list which contains the values a-h! I'll clarify!

        – T. Sar
        10 mins ago




      This is the mnemonic method I use. It is just an approach of what is happening, but it works.

      Don't think of those as indexes. Think of them as offsets on a circular list.

      Let's use the list x = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] as an example. Think about x[2] and x[-2]:

      enter image description here

      You start at offset zero. If you move two steps forward, you're going from a to b (0 to 1), and them from b to c (1 to 2).

      If you move two steps backward, you're going from a to h (0 to -1), and then from h to g (-1 to -2)

      share|improve this answer

      This is the mnemonic method I use. It is just an approach of what is happening, but it works.

      Don't think of those as indexes. Think of them as offsets on a circular list.

      Let's use the list x = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] as an example. Think about x[2] and x[-2]:

      enter image description here

      You start at offset zero. If you move two steps forward, you're going from a to b (0 to 1), and them from b to c (1 to 2).

      If you move two steps backward, you're going from a to h (0 to -1), and then from h to g (-1 to -2)

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited 9 mins ago

      answered 8 hours ago

      T. SarT. Sar



      • "Think about a[2] and a[-2]" is a the list, or an element of the list?

        – detly
        3 hours ago

      • "a" is an hypothetical list which contains the values a-h! I'll clarify!

        – T. Sar
        10 mins ago

      • "Think about a[2] and a[-2]" is a the list, or an element of the list?

        – detly
        3 hours ago

      • "a" is an hypothetical list which contains the values a-h! I'll clarify!

        – T. Sar
        10 mins ago

      "Think about a[2] and a[-2]" is a the list, or an element of the list?

      – detly
      3 hours ago

      "Think about a[2] and a[-2]" is a the list, or an element of the list?

      – detly
      3 hours ago

      "a" is an hypothetical list which contains the values a-h! I'll clarify!

      – T. Sar
      10 mins ago

      "a" is an hypothetical list which contains the values a-h! I'll clarify!

      – T. Sar
      10 mins ago


      Another explanation:

      Your finger points to the first element. The index decides how many places you shift your finger to the right. If the number is negative, you shift your finger to the left.

      Of course, you cant step to the left from the first element, so the first step to the left wraps around to the last element.

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


        Another explanation:

        Your finger points to the first element. The index decides how many places you shift your finger to the right. If the number is negative, you shift your finger to the left.

        Of course, you cant step to the left from the first element, so the first step to the left wraps around to the last element.

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.




          Another explanation:

          Your finger points to the first element. The index decides how many places you shift your finger to the right. If the number is negative, you shift your finger to the left.

          Of course, you cant step to the left from the first element, so the first step to the left wraps around to the last element.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          Another explanation:

          Your finger points to the first element. The index decides how many places you shift your finger to the right. If the number is negative, you shift your finger to the left.

          Of course, you cant step to the left from the first element, so the first step to the left wraps around to the last element.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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          answered 12 hours ago




          New contributor

          Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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          New contributor

          Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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          Oscar is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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              This idiom can be justified using modular arithmetic. We can think of indices as referring to a cell in a list obtained by walking forward i elements. -1 referring to the last element of the list is a natural generalization of this, since we arrive at the last element in the list if we walk backwards one step from the start of the list.

              For any list xs and index i positive or negative, the expression


              will either have the same value as the expression below or produce an IndexError:

              xs[i % len(xs)]

              The index of the last element is -1 + len(xs) which is congruent to -1 mod len(xs). For example, in an array of length 12, the canonical index of the last element is 11. 11 is congruent to -1 mod 12.

              In Python, though, arrays are more often used as linear data structures than circular ones, so indexes larger than len(xs) or smaller than -1-len(xs) are out of bounds since there's seldom a need for them and the effects would be really counterintuitive if the size of the array ever changed.

              share|improve this answer


                This idiom can be justified using modular arithmetic. We can think of indices as referring to a cell in a list obtained by walking forward i elements. -1 referring to the last element of the list is a natural generalization of this, since we arrive at the last element in the list if we walk backwards one step from the start of the list.

                For any list xs and index i positive or negative, the expression


                will either have the same value as the expression below or produce an IndexError:

                xs[i % len(xs)]

                The index of the last element is -1 + len(xs) which is congruent to -1 mod len(xs). For example, in an array of length 12, the canonical index of the last element is 11. 11 is congruent to -1 mod 12.

                In Python, though, arrays are more often used as linear data structures than circular ones, so indexes larger than len(xs) or smaller than -1-len(xs) are out of bounds since there's seldom a need for them and the effects would be really counterintuitive if the size of the array ever changed.

                share|improve this answer




                  This idiom can be justified using modular arithmetic. We can think of indices as referring to a cell in a list obtained by walking forward i elements. -1 referring to the last element of the list is a natural generalization of this, since we arrive at the last element in the list if we walk backwards one step from the start of the list.

                  For any list xs and index i positive or negative, the expression


                  will either have the same value as the expression below or produce an IndexError:

                  xs[i % len(xs)]

                  The index of the last element is -1 + len(xs) which is congruent to -1 mod len(xs). For example, in an array of length 12, the canonical index of the last element is 11. 11 is congruent to -1 mod 12.

                  In Python, though, arrays are more often used as linear data structures than circular ones, so indexes larger than len(xs) or smaller than -1-len(xs) are out of bounds since there's seldom a need for them and the effects would be really counterintuitive if the size of the array ever changed.

                  share|improve this answer

                  This idiom can be justified using modular arithmetic. We can think of indices as referring to a cell in a list obtained by walking forward i elements. -1 referring to the last element of the list is a natural generalization of this, since we arrive at the last element in the list if we walk backwards one step from the start of the list.

                  For any list xs and index i positive or negative, the expression


                  will either have the same value as the expression below or produce an IndexError:

                  xs[i % len(xs)]

                  The index of the last element is -1 + len(xs) which is congruent to -1 mod len(xs). For example, in an array of length 12, the canonical index of the last element is 11. 11 is congruent to -1 mod 12.

                  In Python, though, arrays are more often used as linear data structures than circular ones, so indexes larger than len(xs) or smaller than -1-len(xs) are out of bounds since there's seldom a need for them and the effects would be really counterintuitive if the size of the array ever changed.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered 2 hours ago

                  Gregory NisbetGregory Nisbet




                      In a comment, abraham asked

                      I wish python has another mechanism to get list backward.

                      For another way to access lists backwards, one could simply first reverse the list and then access the elements as usual:

                      lst = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
                      print(lst[::-1][0]) # "d"
                      print(lst[::-1][1]) # "c"

                      share|improve this answer

                      New contributor

                      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      • 2

                        True, but not really answer the question "why".

                        – Valentino
                        15 hours ago

                      • 4

                        It's a waste of ressources to create a whole new list in order to retrieve a single element.

                        – Eric Duminil
                        14 hours ago

                      • What is the use of showing another way to solve a task when it is all of, syntaxly, logically and computationally more complex than the standard method?

                        – Sam
                        10 hours ago

                      • @Sam Why use C when we got Assembly?

                        – mid
                        10 hours ago


                      In a comment, abraham asked

                      I wish python has another mechanism to get list backward.

                      For another way to access lists backwards, one could simply first reverse the list and then access the elements as usual:

                      lst = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
                      print(lst[::-1][0]) # "d"
                      print(lst[::-1][1]) # "c"

                      share|improve this answer

                      New contributor

                      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      • 2

                        True, but not really answer the question "why".

                        – Valentino
                        15 hours ago

                      • 4

                        It's a waste of ressources to create a whole new list in order to retrieve a single element.

                        – Eric Duminil
                        14 hours ago

                      • What is the use of showing another way to solve a task when it is all of, syntaxly, logically and computationally more complex than the standard method?

                        – Sam
                        10 hours ago

                      • @Sam Why use C when we got Assembly?

                        – mid
                        10 hours ago




                      In a comment, abraham asked

                      I wish python has another mechanism to get list backward.

                      For another way to access lists backwards, one could simply first reverse the list and then access the elements as usual:

                      lst = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
                      print(lst[::-1][0]) # "d"
                      print(lst[::-1][1]) # "c"

                      share|improve this answer

                      New contributor

                      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      In a comment, abraham asked

                      I wish python has another mechanism to get list backward.

                      For another way to access lists backwards, one could simply first reverse the list and then access the elements as usual:

                      lst = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
                      print(lst[::-1][0]) # "d"
                      print(lst[::-1][1]) # "c"

                      share|improve this answer

                      New contributor

                      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited 13 hours ago

                      New contributor

                      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      answered 15 hours ago

                      Michael EngenMichael Engen



                      New contributor

                      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      New contributor

                      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      Michael Engen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      • 2

                        True, but not really answer the question "why".

                        – Valentino
                        15 hours ago

                      • 4

                        It's a waste of ressources to create a whole new list in order to retrieve a single element.

                        – Eric Duminil
                        14 hours ago

                      • What is the use of showing another way to solve a task when it is all of, syntaxly, logically and computationally more complex than the standard method?

                        – Sam
                        10 hours ago

                      • @Sam Why use C when we got Assembly?

                        – mid
                        10 hours ago

                      • 2

                        True, but not really answer the question "why".

                        – Valentino
                        15 hours ago

                      • 4

                        It's a waste of ressources to create a whole new list in order to retrieve a single element.

                        – Eric Duminil
                        14 hours ago

                      • What is the use of showing another way to solve a task when it is all of, syntaxly, logically and computationally more complex than the standard method?

                        – Sam
                        10 hours ago

                      • @Sam Why use C when we got Assembly?

                        – mid
                        10 hours ago



                      True, but not really answer the question "why".

                      – Valentino
                      15 hours ago

                      True, but not really answer the question "why".

                      – Valentino
                      15 hours ago



                      It's a waste of ressources to create a whole new list in order to retrieve a single element.

                      – Eric Duminil
                      14 hours ago

                      It's a waste of ressources to create a whole new list in order to retrieve a single element.

                      – Eric Duminil
                      14 hours ago

                      What is the use of showing another way to solve a task when it is all of, syntaxly, logically and computationally more complex than the standard method?

                      – Sam
                      10 hours ago

                      What is the use of showing another way to solve a task when it is all of, syntaxly, logically and computationally more complex than the standard method?

                      – Sam
                      10 hours ago

                      @Sam Why use C when we got Assembly?

                      – mid
                      10 hours ago

                      @Sam Why use C when we got Assembly?

                      – mid
                      10 hours ago

                      abraham is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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                      abraham is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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