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Why are 150k or 200k jobs considered good when there are 300k+ births a month?

Why is there no economics theory largely accepted or considered true?Why is Trump winning, when I know so few people who admit to voting for him?Why are there “bad school districts” and “good school districts” in the US, assuming that the government works hard to increase education standards?What happens when there are no ACA marketplace options?Are the first ladies considered politicians?Why are Weapon Restriction Laws considered Liberal?Why are there so many countries that apply interest rate caps/ceilings?Are there economic benefits to federalism?Why are there so many Republican governors?Why are both global overpopulation and low birth rates in developed countries considered a problem?


It would seem that most people who are born will eventually enter the workforce. Maybe that entry is delayed due to college or enlistment or that very important backpacking trip through Europe, but it seems that most people born will eventually get hired somewhere.

So when you hear that the economy increased by fewer than 200k jobs, but over 300k people entered the labor pool, doesn't that really mean 100k more unemployed people? It doesn't seem like any figure smaller than 300k jobs is even breaking even against population growth. What am I missing here?

share|improve this question

  • 38

    People die. It's true.

    – user22277

  • 35

    I don't really understand how this question got so many upvotes when it is failing to take into account the obvious factor of the rate at which people leave the labor force. This is not a good question. At all.

    – John

  • 9

    @John The question entered HNQ and visitors can upvote but not downvote.

    – gerrit

  • Lots of people don't work... students, stay at home moms (and dads), retirees, the disabled, homeless, people on extended leave (just because they have the means to do so), military (I don't think that is in your jobs numbers), kids in their 20's and even 30's that live with their parents and don't want to work, etc.

    – Robert Hanson


It would seem that most people who are born will eventually enter the workforce. Maybe that entry is delayed due to college or enlistment or that very important backpacking trip through Europe, but it seems that most people born will eventually get hired somewhere.

So when you hear that the economy increased by fewer than 200k jobs, but over 300k people entered the labor pool, doesn't that really mean 100k more unemployed people? It doesn't seem like any figure smaller than 300k jobs is even breaking even against population growth. What am I missing here?

share|improve this question

  • 38

    People die. It's true.

    – user22277

  • 35

    I don't really understand how this question got so many upvotes when it is failing to take into account the obvious factor of the rate at which people leave the labor force. This is not a good question. At all.

    – John

  • 9

    @John The question entered HNQ and visitors can upvote but not downvote.

    – gerrit

  • Lots of people don't work... students, stay at home moms (and dads), retirees, the disabled, homeless, people on extended leave (just because they have the means to do so), military (I don't think that is in your jobs numbers), kids in their 20's and even 30's that live with their parents and don't want to work, etc.

    – Robert Hanson





It would seem that most people who are born will eventually enter the workforce. Maybe that entry is delayed due to college or enlistment or that very important backpacking trip through Europe, but it seems that most people born will eventually get hired somewhere.

So when you hear that the economy increased by fewer than 200k jobs, but over 300k people entered the labor pool, doesn't that really mean 100k more unemployed people? It doesn't seem like any figure smaller than 300k jobs is even breaking even against population growth. What am I missing here?

share|improve this question

It would seem that most people who are born will eventually enter the workforce. Maybe that entry is delayed due to college or enlistment or that very important backpacking trip through Europe, but it seems that most people born will eventually get hired somewhere.

So when you hear that the economy increased by fewer than 200k jobs, but over 300k people entered the labor pool, doesn't that really mean 100k more unemployed people? It doesn't seem like any figure smaller than 300k jobs is even breaking even against population growth. What am I missing here?

united-states economy demographics

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share|improve this question

edited 22 hours ago




asked 2 days ago




  • 38

    People die. It's true.

    – user22277

  • 35

    I don't really understand how this question got so many upvotes when it is failing to take into account the obvious factor of the rate at which people leave the labor force. This is not a good question. At all.

    – John

  • 9

    @John The question entered HNQ and visitors can upvote but not downvote.

    – gerrit

  • Lots of people don't work... students, stay at home moms (and dads), retirees, the disabled, homeless, people on extended leave (just because they have the means to do so), military (I don't think that is in your jobs numbers), kids in their 20's and even 30's that live with their parents and don't want to work, etc.

    – Robert Hanson

  • 38

    People die. It's true.

    – user22277

  • 35

    I don't really understand how this question got so many upvotes when it is failing to take into account the obvious factor of the rate at which people leave the labor force. This is not a good question. At all.

    – John

  • 9

    @John The question entered HNQ and visitors can upvote but not downvote.

    – gerrit

  • Lots of people don't work... students, stay at home moms (and dads), retirees, the disabled, homeless, people on extended leave (just because they have the means to do so), military (I don't think that is in your jobs numbers), kids in their 20's and even 30's that live with their parents and don't want to work, etc.

    – Robert Hanson



People die. It's true.

– user22277

People die. It's true.

– user22277



I don't really understand how this question got so many upvotes when it is failing to take into account the obvious factor of the rate at which people leave the labor force. This is not a good question. At all.

– John

I don't really understand how this question got so many upvotes when it is failing to take into account the obvious factor of the rate at which people leave the labor force. This is not a good question. At all.

– John



@John The question entered HNQ and visitors can upvote but not downvote.

– gerrit

@John The question entered HNQ and visitors can upvote but not downvote.

– gerrit

Lots of people don't work... students, stay at home moms (and dads), retirees, the disabled, homeless, people on extended leave (just because they have the means to do so), military (I don't think that is in your jobs numbers), kids in their 20's and even 30's that live with their parents and don't want to work, etc.

– Robert Hanson

Lots of people don't work... students, stay at home moms (and dads), retirees, the disabled, homeless, people on extended leave (just because they have the means to do so), military (I don't think that is in your jobs numbers), kids in their 20's and even 30's that live with their parents and don't want to work, etc.

– Robert Hanson

7 Answers





The obvious answer is that people get older and (presumably, hopefully) retire from the workforce.

If your country's demographic is otherwise more or less stable, it means that by the time those 300,000 people age up to enter the work force, a similar number of people retire from the work force and hopefully live on their pension plan.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    +1, though we've also got an aging population. Figure 1 shows US population growth was largest ~1950 and 1965, which corresponds to folks between the ages of 55 and 70

    – Punintended
    2 days ago

  • 45

    Or more analogously to the "300k births" number, there are also 230k deaths per month. So anything above about 70k new jobs per month is a surplus. (I know this is a vast oversimplification)

    – MooseBoys
    2 days ago

  • 1

    See Business Insider that did the "calculus" to arrive at an answer of how many jobs need be created to maintain balanced population/jobs. Their answer 203,000 per month. [ businessinsider.com/… ]

    – BobE


In addition to the other answers, it should be noted that jobs don't just exist independent of people. The only reason jobs exist is that people create the need for jobs, so more people means more jobs.

share|improve this answer

New contributor

kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 3

    A small correction. People create the need for products and services, and that need creates jobs. There are times when society creates jobs merely because jobs are needed, but that is, at best, a temporary fix. Unless the work product is of value, ultimately the job is just a tranfer payment in disguise.

    – Walter Mitty

  • But if jobs are automated away, there is LESS need for jobs. Driving long distance trucks (3.5M) and taxis (+Uber and Lyft: 1M) might be 90% automated in a decade. All those millions of people doing it now will need to find new skills to be paid for (to be able to pay other people).

    – Peter M.
    1 hour ago


"300k people entered the labor pool" and "300k+ births a month" are very different things.

You can get to 300k new people in labor pool, if you have 150k people reaching employment age, and 150k of previously long-term unemployed people (excluded from the labor pool by labor statistics bureau) started looking for a job (because they decided such with low unemployment, they have chance to get the job even if they could not get it before).

And to get to 150k people reaching employment age you need more that 150k births, 20 years earlier.

We have no idea how many jobs will be available 20 years from now for people born now. It could be singularity and robots will do all the work. Or climate collapse could start WW3.

And then there is immigration, legal and illegal.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    thanks for adding numbers: other answers miss that part.

    – aaaaaa
    16 hours ago


In addition to other answers. (+1 to Kloddant).

Note newborns will only enter the labor market after 20 years or more. The economy is supposed to grow (even when the population is stable) a lot in that time frame, so by the time anybody born today ends college the new jobs increase ratios is supposed to be a lot higher than today.
Of course, no one can give us a real number of new jobs created for 2039. But we hope it will be more than 300k.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    yes, but with automation the economy (=GDP) can grow while jobs shrink at the same time.

    – Fizz
    2 days ago

  • But the people entering the job market now correspond to births 20ish years ago, and he's assuming the birth rate was roughly comparable then.

    – Barmar
    2 days ago

  • 1

    @Fizz There are lots of things to consider. Someone talked about immigration, for example, but that is peanuts compared to job migration (when you close a facility in Europe to reopen another in Asia). Analysts try to extrapolate all those graphs and that's why you cannot correlate today birth rate with today jobs increase rate. In fact, if jobs increase rate was as big as birth rate that can mean you really need immigrants and automation badly.

    – jean

  • 1

    That might happen even without automation; South Africa is an example economist.com/special-report/2010/06/03/jobless-growth

    – Fizz

  • Correction: we hope newborns will only enter the labour market after 20 years or more.

    – Sean
    16 hours ago


"On average, 205,300 jobs need to be created every month just to keep up with population growth"

per Business Insider Aug 2016.

Their article appears to be an analysis of this issue, however I will leave it to the reader to debate the accuracy and/or validity of the conclusion. If the analysis was valid in 2016, I would think that it is equally valid 2.5 years later.

share|improve this answer


    Quick answer. Money is produced by private and corporate bank loans. With a fixed base money supply (because bond rates have been flat for 40 years now) this means debt can not be repaid because it amounts to more money then there exists. So there things allow this to continue, new loans but this grows the interest leading to the other two. Alternatively the loans can default, or the banks can essentially give money back.

    The give back is why we don't need 100% employment. Most middle class can live off investment and pensions. With enough principle it is trivial matter of funding.

    This is in contrast to prior where you got the give back from a know, standard source, gov bonds. Reliable, riskless, standard insertion of new currency. Today bond rates have been flat and non competitive. With growing world economy private and corporate banks use debt to create new money and give interest back through literally any way you can think of. Insanely well paying do nothing jobs, artificial investment growth, or sometimes not at all, bankruptcy.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.


      Other posters noted that you need to subtract the number of people who age out of the labor force from the number of people who reach the adulthood each year. In a thriving society, both numbers are substantially less then the number of births.

      In a thriving society, a large fraction of the working age population does not work for monetary pay. They have better things to do: Homemaking, raising children well, gardening, volunteer work.

      If a society manages to have 90 % of its working age men working, and 30 % of its working age women working, and does not have net immigration/emigration of working age adults, then the rate of creating net new jobs should average about 60 % of the rate of net new working age adults.

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        A society with an excess of births is not thriving, it is on the road to suffering from overpopulation, if not actually there yet. Also, it is observed that in economically healthy societies, most people do not consider homemaking, child rearing, and so forth to be better things to do.

        – jamesqf

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      7 Answers




      7 Answers











      The obvious answer is that people get older and (presumably, hopefully) retire from the workforce.

      If your country's demographic is otherwise more or less stable, it means that by the time those 300,000 people age up to enter the work force, a similar number of people retire from the work force and hopefully live on their pension plan.

      share|improve this answer

      • 2

        +1, though we've also got an aging population. Figure 1 shows US population growth was largest ~1950 and 1965, which corresponds to folks between the ages of 55 and 70

        – Punintended
        2 days ago

      • 45

        Or more analogously to the "300k births" number, there are also 230k deaths per month. So anything above about 70k new jobs per month is a surplus. (I know this is a vast oversimplification)

        – MooseBoys
        2 days ago

      • 1

        See Business Insider that did the "calculus" to arrive at an answer of how many jobs need be created to maintain balanced population/jobs. Their answer 203,000 per month. [ businessinsider.com/… ]

        – BobE


      The obvious answer is that people get older and (presumably, hopefully) retire from the workforce.

      If your country's demographic is otherwise more or less stable, it means that by the time those 300,000 people age up to enter the work force, a similar number of people retire from the work force and hopefully live on their pension plan.

      share|improve this answer

      • 2

        +1, though we've also got an aging population. Figure 1 shows US population growth was largest ~1950 and 1965, which corresponds to folks between the ages of 55 and 70

        – Punintended
        2 days ago

      • 45

        Or more analogously to the "300k births" number, there are also 230k deaths per month. So anything above about 70k new jobs per month is a surplus. (I know this is a vast oversimplification)

        – MooseBoys
        2 days ago

      • 1

        See Business Insider that did the "calculus" to arrive at an answer of how many jobs need be created to maintain balanced population/jobs. Their answer 203,000 per month. [ businessinsider.com/… ]

        – BobE




      The obvious answer is that people get older and (presumably, hopefully) retire from the workforce.

      If your country's demographic is otherwise more or less stable, it means that by the time those 300,000 people age up to enter the work force, a similar number of people retire from the work force and hopefully live on their pension plan.

      share|improve this answer

      The obvious answer is that people get older and (presumably, hopefully) retire from the workforce.

      If your country's demographic is otherwise more or less stable, it means that by the time those 300,000 people age up to enter the work force, a similar number of people retire from the work force and hopefully live on their pension plan.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered 2 days ago




      • 2

        +1, though we've also got an aging population. Figure 1 shows US population growth was largest ~1950 and 1965, which corresponds to folks between the ages of 55 and 70

        – Punintended
        2 days ago

      • 45

        Or more analogously to the "300k births" number, there are also 230k deaths per month. So anything above about 70k new jobs per month is a surplus. (I know this is a vast oversimplification)

        – MooseBoys
        2 days ago

      • 1

        See Business Insider that did the "calculus" to arrive at an answer of how many jobs need be created to maintain balanced population/jobs. Their answer 203,000 per month. [ businessinsider.com/… ]

        – BobE

      • 2

        +1, though we've also got an aging population. Figure 1 shows US population growth was largest ~1950 and 1965, which corresponds to folks between the ages of 55 and 70

        – Punintended
        2 days ago

      • 45

        Or more analogously to the "300k births" number, there are also 230k deaths per month. So anything above about 70k new jobs per month is a surplus. (I know this is a vast oversimplification)

        – MooseBoys
        2 days ago

      • 1

        See Business Insider that did the "calculus" to arrive at an answer of how many jobs need be created to maintain balanced population/jobs. Their answer 203,000 per month. [ businessinsider.com/… ]

        – BobE



      +1, though we've also got an aging population. Figure 1 shows US population growth was largest ~1950 and 1965, which corresponds to folks between the ages of 55 and 70

      – Punintended
      2 days ago

      +1, though we've also got an aging population. Figure 1 shows US population growth was largest ~1950 and 1965, which corresponds to folks between the ages of 55 and 70

      – Punintended
      2 days ago



      Or more analogously to the "300k births" number, there are also 230k deaths per month. So anything above about 70k new jobs per month is a surplus. (I know this is a vast oversimplification)

      – MooseBoys
      2 days ago

      Or more analogously to the "300k births" number, there are also 230k deaths per month. So anything above about 70k new jobs per month is a surplus. (I know this is a vast oversimplification)

      – MooseBoys
      2 days ago



      See Business Insider that did the "calculus" to arrive at an answer of how many jobs need be created to maintain balanced population/jobs. Their answer 203,000 per month. [ businessinsider.com/… ]

      – BobE

      See Business Insider that did the "calculus" to arrive at an answer of how many jobs need be created to maintain balanced population/jobs. Their answer 203,000 per month. [ businessinsider.com/… ]

      – BobE


      In addition to the other answers, it should be noted that jobs don't just exist independent of people. The only reason jobs exist is that people create the need for jobs, so more people means more jobs.

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      • 3

        A small correction. People create the need for products and services, and that need creates jobs. There are times when society creates jobs merely because jobs are needed, but that is, at best, a temporary fix. Unless the work product is of value, ultimately the job is just a tranfer payment in disguise.

        – Walter Mitty

      • But if jobs are automated away, there is LESS need for jobs. Driving long distance trucks (3.5M) and taxis (+Uber and Lyft: 1M) might be 90% automated in a decade. All those millions of people doing it now will need to find new skills to be paid for (to be able to pay other people).

        – Peter M.
        1 hour ago


      In addition to the other answers, it should be noted that jobs don't just exist independent of people. The only reason jobs exist is that people create the need for jobs, so more people means more jobs.

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      • 3

        A small correction. People create the need for products and services, and that need creates jobs. There are times when society creates jobs merely because jobs are needed, but that is, at best, a temporary fix. Unless the work product is of value, ultimately the job is just a tranfer payment in disguise.

        – Walter Mitty

      • But if jobs are automated away, there is LESS need for jobs. Driving long distance trucks (3.5M) and taxis (+Uber and Lyft: 1M) might be 90% automated in a decade. All those millions of people doing it now will need to find new skills to be paid for (to be able to pay other people).

        – Peter M.
        1 hour ago




      In addition to the other answers, it should be noted that jobs don't just exist independent of people. The only reason jobs exist is that people create the need for jobs, so more people means more jobs.

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      In addition to the other answers, it should be noted that jobs don't just exist independent of people. The only reason jobs exist is that people create the need for jobs, so more people means more jobs.

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited yesterday




      New contributor

      kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      answered 2 days ago




      New contributor

      kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      kloddant is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      • 3

        A small correction. People create the need for products and services, and that need creates jobs. There are times when society creates jobs merely because jobs are needed, but that is, at best, a temporary fix. Unless the work product is of value, ultimately the job is just a tranfer payment in disguise.

        – Walter Mitty

      • But if jobs are automated away, there is LESS need for jobs. Driving long distance trucks (3.5M) and taxis (+Uber and Lyft: 1M) might be 90% automated in a decade. All those millions of people doing it now will need to find new skills to be paid for (to be able to pay other people).

        – Peter M.
        1 hour ago

      • 3

        A small correction. People create the need for products and services, and that need creates jobs. There are times when society creates jobs merely because jobs are needed, but that is, at best, a temporary fix. Unless the work product is of value, ultimately the job is just a tranfer payment in disguise.

        – Walter Mitty

      • But if jobs are automated away, there is LESS need for jobs. Driving long distance trucks (3.5M) and taxis (+Uber and Lyft: 1M) might be 90% automated in a decade. All those millions of people doing it now will need to find new skills to be paid for (to be able to pay other people).

        – Peter M.
        1 hour ago



      A small correction. People create the need for products and services, and that need creates jobs. There are times when society creates jobs merely because jobs are needed, but that is, at best, a temporary fix. Unless the work product is of value, ultimately the job is just a tranfer payment in disguise.

      – Walter Mitty

      A small correction. People create the need for products and services, and that need creates jobs. There are times when society creates jobs merely because jobs are needed, but that is, at best, a temporary fix. Unless the work product is of value, ultimately the job is just a tranfer payment in disguise.

      – Walter Mitty

      But if jobs are automated away, there is LESS need for jobs. Driving long distance trucks (3.5M) and taxis (+Uber and Lyft: 1M) might be 90% automated in a decade. All those millions of people doing it now will need to find new skills to be paid for (to be able to pay other people).

      – Peter M.
      1 hour ago

      But if jobs are automated away, there is LESS need for jobs. Driving long distance trucks (3.5M) and taxis (+Uber and Lyft: 1M) might be 90% automated in a decade. All those millions of people doing it now will need to find new skills to be paid for (to be able to pay other people).

      – Peter M.
      1 hour ago


      "300k people entered the labor pool" and "300k+ births a month" are very different things.

      You can get to 300k new people in labor pool, if you have 150k people reaching employment age, and 150k of previously long-term unemployed people (excluded from the labor pool by labor statistics bureau) started looking for a job (because they decided such with low unemployment, they have chance to get the job even if they could not get it before).

      And to get to 150k people reaching employment age you need more that 150k births, 20 years earlier.

      We have no idea how many jobs will be available 20 years from now for people born now. It could be singularity and robots will do all the work. Or climate collapse could start WW3.

      And then there is immigration, legal and illegal.

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        thanks for adding numbers: other answers miss that part.

        – aaaaaa
        16 hours ago


      "300k people entered the labor pool" and "300k+ births a month" are very different things.

      You can get to 300k new people in labor pool, if you have 150k people reaching employment age, and 150k of previously long-term unemployed people (excluded from the labor pool by labor statistics bureau) started looking for a job (because they decided such with low unemployment, they have chance to get the job even if they could not get it before).

      And to get to 150k people reaching employment age you need more that 150k births, 20 years earlier.

      We have no idea how many jobs will be available 20 years from now for people born now. It could be singularity and robots will do all the work. Or climate collapse could start WW3.

      And then there is immigration, legal and illegal.

      share|improve this answer

      • 1

        thanks for adding numbers: other answers miss that part.

        – aaaaaa
        16 hours ago




      "300k people entered the labor pool" and "300k+ births a month" are very different things.

      You can get to 300k new people in labor pool, if you have 150k people reaching employment age, and 150k of previously long-term unemployed people (excluded from the labor pool by labor statistics bureau) started looking for a job (because they decided such with low unemployment, they have chance to get the job even if they could not get it before).

      And to get to 150k people reaching employment age you need more that 150k births, 20 years earlier.

      We have no idea how many jobs will be available 20 years from now for people born now. It could be singularity and robots will do all the work. Or climate collapse could start WW3.

      And then there is immigration, legal and illegal.

      share|improve this answer

      "300k people entered the labor pool" and "300k+ births a month" are very different things.

      You can get to 300k new people in labor pool, if you have 150k people reaching employment age, and 150k of previously long-term unemployed people (excluded from the labor pool by labor statistics bureau) started looking for a job (because they decided such with low unemployment, they have chance to get the job even if they could not get it before).

      And to get to 150k people reaching employment age you need more that 150k births, 20 years earlier.

      We have no idea how many jobs will be available 20 years from now for people born now. It could be singularity and robots will do all the work. Or climate collapse could start WW3.

      And then there is immigration, legal and illegal.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited 2 days ago

      answered 2 days ago

      Peter M.Peter M.



      • 1

        thanks for adding numbers: other answers miss that part.

        – aaaaaa
        16 hours ago

      • 1

        thanks for adding numbers: other answers miss that part.

        – aaaaaa
        16 hours ago



      thanks for adding numbers: other answers miss that part.

      – aaaaaa
      16 hours ago

      thanks for adding numbers: other answers miss that part.

      – aaaaaa
      16 hours ago


      In addition to other answers. (+1 to Kloddant).

      Note newborns will only enter the labor market after 20 years or more. The economy is supposed to grow (even when the population is stable) a lot in that time frame, so by the time anybody born today ends college the new jobs increase ratios is supposed to be a lot higher than today.
      Of course, no one can give us a real number of new jobs created for 2039. But we hope it will be more than 300k.

      share|improve this answer

      • 2

        yes, but with automation the economy (=GDP) can grow while jobs shrink at the same time.

        – Fizz
        2 days ago

      • But the people entering the job market now correspond to births 20ish years ago, and he's assuming the birth rate was roughly comparable then.

        – Barmar
        2 days ago

      • 1

        @Fizz There are lots of things to consider. Someone talked about immigration, for example, but that is peanuts compared to job migration (when you close a facility in Europe to reopen another in Asia). Analysts try to extrapolate all those graphs and that's why you cannot correlate today birth rate with today jobs increase rate. In fact, if jobs increase rate was as big as birth rate that can mean you really need immigrants and automation badly.

        – jean

      • 1

        That might happen even without automation; South Africa is an example economist.com/special-report/2010/06/03/jobless-growth

        – Fizz

      • Correction: we hope newborns will only enter the labour market after 20 years or more.

        – Sean
        16 hours ago


      In addition to other answers. (+1 to Kloddant).

      Note newborns will only enter the labor market after 20 years or more. The economy is supposed to grow (even when the population is stable) a lot in that time frame, so by the time anybody born today ends college the new jobs increase ratios is supposed to be a lot higher than today.
      Of course, no one can give us a real number of new jobs created for 2039. But we hope it will be more than 300k.

      share|improve this answer

      • 2

        yes, but with automation the economy (=GDP) can grow while jobs shrink at the same time.

        – Fizz
        2 days ago

      • But the people entering the job market now correspond to births 20ish years ago, and he's assuming the birth rate was roughly comparable then.

        – Barmar
        2 days ago

      • 1

        @Fizz There are lots of things to consider. Someone talked about immigration, for example, but that is peanuts compared to job migration (when you close a facility in Europe to reopen another in Asia). Analysts try to extrapolate all those graphs and that's why you cannot correlate today birth rate with today jobs increase rate. In fact, if jobs increase rate was as big as birth rate that can mean you really need immigrants and automation badly.

        – jean

      • 1

        That might happen even without automation; South Africa is an example economist.com/special-report/2010/06/03/jobless-growth

        – Fizz

      • Correction: we hope newborns will only enter the labour market after 20 years or more.

        – Sean
        16 hours ago




      In addition to other answers. (+1 to Kloddant).

      Note newborns will only enter the labor market after 20 years or more. The economy is supposed to grow (even when the population is stable) a lot in that time frame, so by the time anybody born today ends college the new jobs increase ratios is supposed to be a lot higher than today.
      Of course, no one can give us a real number of new jobs created for 2039. But we hope it will be more than 300k.

      share|improve this answer

      In addition to other answers. (+1 to Kloddant).

      Note newborns will only enter the labor market after 20 years or more. The economy is supposed to grow (even when the population is stable) a lot in that time frame, so by the time anybody born today ends college the new jobs increase ratios is supposed to be a lot higher than today.
      Of course, no one can give us a real number of new jobs created for 2039. But we hope it will be more than 300k.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited 2 days ago




      answered 2 days ago




      • 2

        yes, but with automation the economy (=GDP) can grow while jobs shrink at the same time.

        – Fizz
        2 days ago

      • But the people entering the job market now correspond to births 20ish years ago, and he's assuming the birth rate was roughly comparable then.

        – Barmar
        2 days ago

      • 1

        @Fizz There are lots of things to consider. Someone talked about immigration, for example, but that is peanuts compared to job migration (when you close a facility in Europe to reopen another in Asia). Analysts try to extrapolate all those graphs and that's why you cannot correlate today birth rate with today jobs increase rate. In fact, if jobs increase rate was as big as birth rate that can mean you really need immigrants and automation badly.

        – jean

      • 1

        That might happen even without automation; South Africa is an example economist.com/special-report/2010/06/03/jobless-growth

        – Fizz

      • Correction: we hope newborns will only enter the labour market after 20 years or more.

        – Sean
        16 hours ago

      • 2

        yes, but with automation the economy (=GDP) can grow while jobs shrink at the same time.

        – Fizz
        2 days ago

      • But the people entering the job market now correspond to births 20ish years ago, and he's assuming the birth rate was roughly comparable then.

        – Barmar
        2 days ago

      • 1

        @Fizz There are lots of things to consider. Someone talked about immigration, for example, but that is peanuts compared to job migration (when you close a facility in Europe to reopen another in Asia). Analysts try to extrapolate all those graphs and that's why you cannot correlate today birth rate with today jobs increase rate. In fact, if jobs increase rate was as big as birth rate that can mean you really need immigrants and automation badly.

        – jean

      • 1

        That might happen even without automation; South Africa is an example economist.com/special-report/2010/06/03/jobless-growth

        – Fizz

      • Correction: we hope newborns will only enter the labour market after 20 years or more.

        – Sean
        16 hours ago



      yes, but with automation the economy (=GDP) can grow while jobs shrink at the same time.

      – Fizz
      2 days ago

      yes, but with automation the economy (=GDP) can grow while jobs shrink at the same time.

      – Fizz
      2 days ago

      But the people entering the job market now correspond to births 20ish years ago, and he's assuming the birth rate was roughly comparable then.

      – Barmar
      2 days ago

      But the people entering the job market now correspond to births 20ish years ago, and he's assuming the birth rate was roughly comparable then.

      – Barmar
      2 days ago



      @Fizz There are lots of things to consider. Someone talked about immigration, for example, but that is peanuts compared to job migration (when you close a facility in Europe to reopen another in Asia). Analysts try to extrapolate all those graphs and that's why you cannot correlate today birth rate with today jobs increase rate. In fact, if jobs increase rate was as big as birth rate that can mean you really need immigrants and automation badly.

      – jean

      @Fizz There are lots of things to consider. Someone talked about immigration, for example, but that is peanuts compared to job migration (when you close a facility in Europe to reopen another in Asia). Analysts try to extrapolate all those graphs and that's why you cannot correlate today birth rate with today jobs increase rate. In fact, if jobs increase rate was as big as birth rate that can mean you really need immigrants and automation badly.

      – jean



      That might happen even without automation; South Africa is an example economist.com/special-report/2010/06/03/jobless-growth

      – Fizz

      That might happen even without automation; South Africa is an example economist.com/special-report/2010/06/03/jobless-growth

      – Fizz

      Correction: we hope newborns will only enter the labour market after 20 years or more.

      – Sean
      16 hours ago

      Correction: we hope newborns will only enter the labour market after 20 years or more.

      – Sean
      16 hours ago


      "On average, 205,300 jobs need to be created every month just to keep up with population growth"

      per Business Insider Aug 2016.

      Their article appears to be an analysis of this issue, however I will leave it to the reader to debate the accuracy and/or validity of the conclusion. If the analysis was valid in 2016, I would think that it is equally valid 2.5 years later.

      share|improve this answer


        "On average, 205,300 jobs need to be created every month just to keep up with population growth"

        per Business Insider Aug 2016.

        Their article appears to be an analysis of this issue, however I will leave it to the reader to debate the accuracy and/or validity of the conclusion. If the analysis was valid in 2016, I would think that it is equally valid 2.5 years later.

        share|improve this answer




          "On average, 205,300 jobs need to be created every month just to keep up with population growth"

          per Business Insider Aug 2016.

          Their article appears to be an analysis of this issue, however I will leave it to the reader to debate the accuracy and/or validity of the conclusion. If the analysis was valid in 2016, I would think that it is equally valid 2.5 years later.

          share|improve this answer

          "On average, 205,300 jobs need to be created every month just to keep up with population growth"

          per Business Insider Aug 2016.

          Their article appears to be an analysis of this issue, however I will leave it to the reader to debate the accuracy and/or validity of the conclusion. If the analysis was valid in 2016, I would think that it is equally valid 2.5 years later.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 2 days ago





              Quick answer. Money is produced by private and corporate bank loans. With a fixed base money supply (because bond rates have been flat for 40 years now) this means debt can not be repaid because it amounts to more money then there exists. So there things allow this to continue, new loans but this grows the interest leading to the other two. Alternatively the loans can default, or the banks can essentially give money back.

              The give back is why we don't need 100% employment. Most middle class can live off investment and pensions. With enough principle it is trivial matter of funding.

              This is in contrast to prior where you got the give back from a know, standard source, gov bonds. Reliable, riskless, standard insertion of new currency. Today bond rates have been flat and non competitive. With growing world economy private and corporate banks use debt to create new money and give interest back through literally any way you can think of. Insanely well paying do nothing jobs, artificial investment growth, or sometimes not at all, bankruptcy.

              share|improve this answer

              New contributor

              marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
              Check out our Code of Conduct.


                Quick answer. Money is produced by private and corporate bank loans. With a fixed base money supply (because bond rates have been flat for 40 years now) this means debt can not be repaid because it amounts to more money then there exists. So there things allow this to continue, new loans but this grows the interest leading to the other two. Alternatively the loans can default, or the banks can essentially give money back.

                The give back is why we don't need 100% employment. Most middle class can live off investment and pensions. With enough principle it is trivial matter of funding.

                This is in contrast to prior where you got the give back from a know, standard source, gov bonds. Reliable, riskless, standard insertion of new currency. Today bond rates have been flat and non competitive. With growing world economy private and corporate banks use debt to create new money and give interest back through literally any way you can think of. Insanely well paying do nothing jobs, artificial investment growth, or sometimes not at all, bankruptcy.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.




                  Quick answer. Money is produced by private and corporate bank loans. With a fixed base money supply (because bond rates have been flat for 40 years now) this means debt can not be repaid because it amounts to more money then there exists. So there things allow this to continue, new loans but this grows the interest leading to the other two. Alternatively the loans can default, or the banks can essentially give money back.

                  The give back is why we don't need 100% employment. Most middle class can live off investment and pensions. With enough principle it is trivial matter of funding.

                  This is in contrast to prior where you got the give back from a know, standard source, gov bonds. Reliable, riskless, standard insertion of new currency. Today bond rates have been flat and non competitive. With growing world economy private and corporate banks use debt to create new money and give interest back through literally any way you can think of. Insanely well paying do nothing jobs, artificial investment growth, or sometimes not at all, bankruptcy.

                  share|improve this answer

                  New contributor

                  marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  Quick answer. Money is produced by private and corporate bank loans. With a fixed base money supply (because bond rates have been flat for 40 years now) this means debt can not be repaid because it amounts to more money then there exists. So there things allow this to continue, new loans but this grows the interest leading to the other two. Alternatively the loans can default, or the banks can essentially give money back.

                  The give back is why we don't need 100% employment. Most middle class can live off investment and pensions. With enough principle it is trivial matter of funding.

                  This is in contrast to prior where you got the give back from a know, standard source, gov bonds. Reliable, riskless, standard insertion of new currency. Today bond rates have been flat and non competitive. With growing world economy private and corporate banks use debt to create new money and give interest back through literally any way you can think of. Insanely well paying do nothing jobs, artificial investment growth, or sometimes not at all, bankruptcy.

                  share|improve this answer

                  New contributor

                  marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  New contributor

                  marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  answered yesterday

                  marshal craftmarshal craft



                  New contributor

                  marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  New contributor

                  marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                  marshal craft is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.


                      Other posters noted that you need to subtract the number of people who age out of the labor force from the number of people who reach the adulthood each year. In a thriving society, both numbers are substantially less then the number of births.

                      In a thriving society, a large fraction of the working age population does not work for monetary pay. They have better things to do: Homemaking, raising children well, gardening, volunteer work.

                      If a society manages to have 90 % of its working age men working, and 30 % of its working age women working, and does not have net immigration/emigration of working age adults, then the rate of creating net new jobs should average about 60 % of the rate of net new working age adults.

                      share|improve this answer

                      • 1

                        A society with an excess of births is not thriving, it is on the road to suffering from overpopulation, if not actually there yet. Also, it is observed that in economically healthy societies, most people do not consider homemaking, child rearing, and so forth to be better things to do.

                        – jamesqf


                      Other posters noted that you need to subtract the number of people who age out of the labor force from the number of people who reach the adulthood each year. In a thriving society, both numbers are substantially less then the number of births.

                      In a thriving society, a large fraction of the working age population does not work for monetary pay. They have better things to do: Homemaking, raising children well, gardening, volunteer work.

                      If a society manages to have 90 % of its working age men working, and 30 % of its working age women working, and does not have net immigration/emigration of working age adults, then the rate of creating net new jobs should average about 60 % of the rate of net new working age adults.

                      share|improve this answer

                      • 1

                        A society with an excess of births is not thriving, it is on the road to suffering from overpopulation, if not actually there yet. Also, it is observed that in economically healthy societies, most people do not consider homemaking, child rearing, and so forth to be better things to do.

                        – jamesqf




                      Other posters noted that you need to subtract the number of people who age out of the labor force from the number of people who reach the adulthood each year. In a thriving society, both numbers are substantially less then the number of births.

                      In a thriving society, a large fraction of the working age population does not work for monetary pay. They have better things to do: Homemaking, raising children well, gardening, volunteer work.

                      If a society manages to have 90 % of its working age men working, and 30 % of its working age women working, and does not have net immigration/emigration of working age adults, then the rate of creating net new jobs should average about 60 % of the rate of net new working age adults.

                      share|improve this answer

                      Other posters noted that you need to subtract the number of people who age out of the labor force from the number of people who reach the adulthood each year. In a thriving society, both numbers are substantially less then the number of births.

                      In a thriving society, a large fraction of the working age population does not work for monetary pay. They have better things to do: Homemaking, raising children well, gardening, volunteer work.

                      If a society manages to have 90 % of its working age men working, and 30 % of its working age women working, and does not have net immigration/emigration of working age adults, then the rate of creating net new jobs should average about 60 % of the rate of net new working age adults.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered yesterday




                      • 1

                        A society with an excess of births is not thriving, it is on the road to suffering from overpopulation, if not actually there yet. Also, it is observed that in economically healthy societies, most people do not consider homemaking, child rearing, and so forth to be better things to do.

                        – jamesqf

                      • 1

                        A society with an excess of births is not thriving, it is on the road to suffering from overpopulation, if not actually there yet. Also, it is observed that in economically healthy societies, most people do not consider homemaking, child rearing, and so forth to be better things to do.

                        – jamesqf



                      A society with an excess of births is not thriving, it is on the road to suffering from overpopulation, if not actually there yet. Also, it is observed that in economically healthy societies, most people do not consider homemaking, child rearing, and so forth to be better things to do.

                      – jamesqf

                      A society with an excess of births is not thriving, it is on the road to suffering from overpopulation, if not actually there yet. Also, it is observed that in economically healthy societies, most people do not consider homemaking, child rearing, and so forth to be better things to do.

                      – jamesqf

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