Are there incongruent pythagorean triangles with the same perimeter and same area? The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InEllipse 3-partition: same area and perimeterProve triangles with same perimeter and point of tangency of excircle and nine-point circle.Isosceles triangle has the least perimeter among triangles on the same base with same area?How many triangles with whole number leg lengths are there such that area and the perimeter is equal?Rectangle area and perimeter5 triangles with the same area inside a pentagonSimilar Triangles and the Pythagorean TheoremProve that a quadrilateral, and the quadrilateral formed by the orthocenters of four related triangles, have the same area.Dissect square into triangles of same perimeterUsing the pythagorean theorem and similar triangles

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Are there incongruent pythagorean triangles with the same perimeter and same area?

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InEllipse 3-partition: same area and perimeterProve triangles with same perimeter and point of tangency of excircle and nine-point circle.Isosceles triangle has the least perimeter among triangles on the same base with same area?How many triangles with whole number leg lengths are there such that area and the perimeter is equal?Rectangle area and perimeter5 triangles with the same area inside a pentagonSimilar Triangles and the Pythagorean TheoremProve that a quadrilateral, and the quadrilateral formed by the orthocenters of four related triangles, have the same area.Dissect square into triangles of same perimeterUsing the pythagorean theorem and similar triangles



I found there are two incongruent isosceles triangles with integer sides and areas, where both have same perimeter, same area.

I looked around Dickson's History of Number Theory but couldn't find where the right triangle version is treated. [I thought if a nonexistence proof was simple it would pop up in my search, but found none.]

It may be simple to show none exist, but I had no luck, only filled few notebook pages with formulas going nowhere. Reference/example/proof appreciated. Thanks.

share|cite|improve this question




    I found there are two incongruent isosceles triangles with integer sides and areas, where both have same perimeter, same area.

    I looked around Dickson's History of Number Theory but couldn't find where the right triangle version is treated. [I thought if a nonexistence proof was simple it would pop up in my search, but found none.]

    It may be simple to show none exist, but I had no luck, only filled few notebook pages with formulas going nowhere. Reference/example/proof appreciated. Thanks.

    share|cite|improve this question






      I found there are two incongruent isosceles triangles with integer sides and areas, where both have same perimeter, same area.

      I looked around Dickson's History of Number Theory but couldn't find where the right triangle version is treated. [I thought if a nonexistence proof was simple it would pop up in my search, but found none.]

      It may be simple to show none exist, but I had no luck, only filled few notebook pages with formulas going nowhere. Reference/example/proof appreciated. Thanks.

      share|cite|improve this question


      I found there are two incongruent isosceles triangles with integer sides and areas, where both have same perimeter, same area.

      I looked around Dickson's History of Number Theory but couldn't find where the right triangle version is treated. [I thought if a nonexistence proof was simple it would pop up in my search, but found none.]

      It may be simple to show none exist, but I had no luck, only filled few notebook pages with formulas going nowhere. Reference/example/proof appreciated. Thanks.


      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      edited 13 hours ago

      Gregory Nisbet



      asked 18 hours ago




          5 Answers






          Consider two right triangles, with hypotenuses $p$ and $q$ and respective acute angles $theta$ and $phi$. To see that having equal perimeter and area makes them congruent, it suffices to show that
          $$theta = phi qquadtextorqquad theta+phi=fracpi2 tag0$$
          (Either makes the triangles similar, which in turn makes them congruent.)

          Equating perimeters and areas gives a system we can write as

          p(1+sintheta+costheta) &= q(1+sinphi+cosphi) \
          p^2 sintheta costheta &= q^2 sinphi cosphi
          endalign tag1$$

          Defining $u:=tan(theta/2)$, we "know" that
          $$sintheta = frac2u1+u^2 qquad costheta=frac1-u^21+u^2 quadtoquad 1+costheta+sintheta= frac2 (1 + u)1 + u^2$$
          and likewise for $v:=tan(phi/2)$. Thus, $(1)$ can be rewritten as
          pfrac(1+u)1+u^2 &= qfrac(1+v)1+v^2 \[4pt]
          p^2fracu(1+u)(1-u)(1+u^2)^2 &= q^2fracv(1+v)(1-v)(1+v^2)^2

          Dividing the second equation by the square of the first ...

          $$fracu(1-u)1+u = fracv(1-v)1+v quadtoquad (u-v)(uv+u+v-1)=0 quadtoquad u=v, text or fracu+v1-uv=1 tag3$$

          Therefore, we have one of the following situations (bearing in mind that $theta/2$ and $phi/2$ are each at most $pi/4$, so that we may draw appropriate conclusions from these tangent inequalities):
          tanfractheta2=tanfracphi2 &quadtoquad theta=phi \[4pt]
          fractan(theta/2)+tan(phi/2)1-tan(theta/2)tan(phi/2) = 1 &quadtoquad
          tanleft(fractheta2+fracphi2right)=tanfracpi4 quadtoquad theta+phi=fracpi2endalign tag4$$

          which match the sufficient conditions in $(0)$. $square$

          share|cite|improve this answer




            Let $S$ be the circumference and $A$ twice the area of a triangle.

            text and a_ib_i=A. tag1$$

            After squaring, $S^2+2A-2S(a_i+b_i)=0$ and from here $a_i+b_i=S/2+A/S$. Thus, $c_i=S-(a_i+b_i)=S/2-A/S=c$, that is, triangles have the same hypotenuse.

            Then, $a_i+b_i=S-c=T$ and $a_ib_i=A$, which results in a solutions for $a_i$ and $b_i$ expressed in terms of constants $A$ and $T$. Although one of the resulting equations is quadratic, there is a symmetric pair of solutions (thank you for comments below). Hence, all sides must be the same.

            share|cite|improve this answer


            • 3

              Really nice proof. I have a niggle with your last statement though. In general, $2$ equations with $2$ unknowns may well have multiple solutions if they are not linear. For example, the OP mentions isosceles triangles, where the triangles $(8,8,12)$ and $(6,11,11)$ have the same perimeter and area even though isosceles triangles are also parametrised by two variables. Of course, in your case you know the sum and product of $a$ and $b$, which is a particularly nice pair of equations well known to have a symmetric pair of solutions.
              – Jaap Scherphuis
              16 hours ago

            • $begingroup$
              @Jaap Scherphuis -- Thank you for your comment and clarification.
              – dnqxt
              16 hours ago

            • $begingroup$
              @Dawood ibn Kareem -- Thanks for the comment. I added in the answer the clarification made by Jaap Scherphuis.
              – dnqxt
              9 hours ago



            Consider a right-angled triangle with sides $a$ and $b$.

            The hypotenuse has length $c=sqrta^2+b^2$.
            Its area is $ab/2$, and perimeter is $a+b+c$.

            I will allow $a,b,c$ to be any positive real numbers, not restrict them to positive integers.

            Suppose we scale the triangles such that $ab=1$, (i.e. an area of $1/2$). Is it possible to have two of these triangles that are distinct but with the same perimeter?

            We may assume that $a$ is the longer side, i.e. $a>b$, so we must have $a>1$.

            The perimeter is
            $$P(a) = a+b+c\ = a+b+sqrta^2+b^2\ = a+frac1a+sqrta^2+frac1a^2$$

            This is an increasing function on the interval $[1,infty)$ because its derivative w.r.t. $a$ is positive for $a>1$. This is tedious to check by hand, so I used Wolfram alpha. You can however understand why this is the case by noticing that if you increase $a$, then the rate at which $a$ increases is larger than the rate at which $1/a$ decreases, and the same holds for $a^2$ versus $1/a^2$.

            This means that there are no two values of $a$, both with $a>1$ for which you get the same perimeter.

            Bringing it back to the original problem, it means that there are no two right-angled triangles with the same perimeter and area, unless they have the same sides. Basically, given an area and a perimeter, their two equations uniquely determine the two triangle sides because the lines those equations represent are not curved enough to intersect multiple times.

            P.S. By the way, the OP mentioned that there are pairs of isosceles triangles with matching areas and perimeters, even when all sides and the area are integers. Two examples are:
            $(29,29,40)$ and $(37,37,24)$,

            and also
            $(218,218,240)$ and $(233,233,210)$.

            share|cite|improve this answer




              The area and the perimeter uniquely define the radius of the inscribed circle because $A=frac12Pr$, and the hypotenuse because $r=fracP2-c$. That fixes both $a+b=P-c$ and $ab=2A$ so $a$ and $b$ are also unique up to permutation, QED.

              share|cite|improve this answer




                Long Comment:

                You can at least give the simple formulae for the perimeter $P$ and area $A$ of a right angle triangle.

                If $z^2=x^2+y^2$ is a primitive Pythagorean triangle with $x$ being the base of the triangle and $y$ being the height (due to the right angle), then $P=x+y+z$ and $A=frac12xy$

                Then you can quote the formulae for primitive Pythagorean Triples, where $z=left(a^2+b^2right)$, $x=left(a^2-b^2right)$ and $y=2ab$

                To expand to all the non primitive Pythagorean triangles we have



                $$A=frac12 left(a^2-b^2right)(2ab)c^2=left(a^2-b^2right)abc^2$$

                For two incongruent Pythagorean triangles 1 and 2 the condition is

                $$P_1=P_2 ;;textand ;; A_1=A_2$$

                For Perimeter:
                For Area:
                $$fraca_2+b_2a_1+b_1=fraca_1c_1a_2c_2left(fracb_1c_1b_2c_2frac (a_1-b_1) (a_2-b_2) right)$$

                Therefore combining both gives



                Using (1) and (2) we can eliminate the variables $c_1$ and $c_2$ eventually giving
                $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_1+b_1) a_1 =frac (a_2-b_2) b_2 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$
                $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_2-b_2) b_2 =frac (a_1+b_1) a_1 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$

                share|cite|improve this answer


                • $begingroup$
                  In the version you use for primitive triples I think one needs $a,b$ odd and coprime, $a>b$ to give triples of positives. [That seems it would be known in that version…] I used the other version in my attempt, $p^2-q^2,2pq,p^2+q^2$ with $p,q$ coprime opposite parity and $p>q.$ Still didn't go to a finish in my attempts though.
                  – coffeemath
                  17 hours ago

                • 1

                  updated to your version
                  – James Arathoon
                  16 hours ago

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                5 Answers




                5 Answers












                Consider two right triangles, with hypotenuses $p$ and $q$ and respective acute angles $theta$ and $phi$. To see that having equal perimeter and area makes them congruent, it suffices to show that
                $$theta = phi qquadtextorqquad theta+phi=fracpi2 tag0$$
                (Either makes the triangles similar, which in turn makes them congruent.)

                Equating perimeters and areas gives a system we can write as

                p(1+sintheta+costheta) &= q(1+sinphi+cosphi) \
                p^2 sintheta costheta &= q^2 sinphi cosphi
                endalign tag1$$

                Defining $u:=tan(theta/2)$, we "know" that
                $$sintheta = frac2u1+u^2 qquad costheta=frac1-u^21+u^2 quadtoquad 1+costheta+sintheta= frac2 (1 + u)1 + u^2$$
                and likewise for $v:=tan(phi/2)$. Thus, $(1)$ can be rewritten as
                pfrac(1+u)1+u^2 &= qfrac(1+v)1+v^2 \[4pt]
                p^2fracu(1+u)(1-u)(1+u^2)^2 &= q^2fracv(1+v)(1-v)(1+v^2)^2

                Dividing the second equation by the square of the first ...

                $$fracu(1-u)1+u = fracv(1-v)1+v quadtoquad (u-v)(uv+u+v-1)=0 quadtoquad u=v, text or fracu+v1-uv=1 tag3$$

                Therefore, we have one of the following situations (bearing in mind that $theta/2$ and $phi/2$ are each at most $pi/4$, so that we may draw appropriate conclusions from these tangent inequalities):
                tanfractheta2=tanfracphi2 &quadtoquad theta=phi \[4pt]
                fractan(theta/2)+tan(phi/2)1-tan(theta/2)tan(phi/2) = 1 &quadtoquad
                tanleft(fractheta2+fracphi2right)=tanfracpi4 quadtoquad theta+phi=fracpi2endalign tag4$$

                which match the sufficient conditions in $(0)$. $square$

                share|cite|improve this answer




                  Consider two right triangles, with hypotenuses $p$ and $q$ and respective acute angles $theta$ and $phi$. To see that having equal perimeter and area makes them congruent, it suffices to show that
                  $$theta = phi qquadtextorqquad theta+phi=fracpi2 tag0$$
                  (Either makes the triangles similar, which in turn makes them congruent.)

                  Equating perimeters and areas gives a system we can write as

                  p(1+sintheta+costheta) &= q(1+sinphi+cosphi) \
                  p^2 sintheta costheta &= q^2 sinphi cosphi
                  endalign tag1$$

                  Defining $u:=tan(theta/2)$, we "know" that
                  $$sintheta = frac2u1+u^2 qquad costheta=frac1-u^21+u^2 quadtoquad 1+costheta+sintheta= frac2 (1 + u)1 + u^2$$
                  and likewise for $v:=tan(phi/2)$. Thus, $(1)$ can be rewritten as
                  pfrac(1+u)1+u^2 &= qfrac(1+v)1+v^2 \[4pt]
                  p^2fracu(1+u)(1-u)(1+u^2)^2 &= q^2fracv(1+v)(1-v)(1+v^2)^2

                  Dividing the second equation by the square of the first ...

                  $$fracu(1-u)1+u = fracv(1-v)1+v quadtoquad (u-v)(uv+u+v-1)=0 quadtoquad u=v, text or fracu+v1-uv=1 tag3$$

                  Therefore, we have one of the following situations (bearing in mind that $theta/2$ and $phi/2$ are each at most $pi/4$, so that we may draw appropriate conclusions from these tangent inequalities):
                  tanfractheta2=tanfracphi2 &quadtoquad theta=phi \[4pt]
                  fractan(theta/2)+tan(phi/2)1-tan(theta/2)tan(phi/2) = 1 &quadtoquad
                  tanleft(fractheta2+fracphi2right)=tanfracpi4 quadtoquad theta+phi=fracpi2endalign tag4$$

                  which match the sufficient conditions in $(0)$. $square$

                  share|cite|improve this answer






                    Consider two right triangles, with hypotenuses $p$ and $q$ and respective acute angles $theta$ and $phi$. To see that having equal perimeter and area makes them congruent, it suffices to show that
                    $$theta = phi qquadtextorqquad theta+phi=fracpi2 tag0$$
                    (Either makes the triangles similar, which in turn makes them congruent.)

                    Equating perimeters and areas gives a system we can write as

                    p(1+sintheta+costheta) &= q(1+sinphi+cosphi) \
                    p^2 sintheta costheta &= q^2 sinphi cosphi
                    endalign tag1$$

                    Defining $u:=tan(theta/2)$, we "know" that
                    $$sintheta = frac2u1+u^2 qquad costheta=frac1-u^21+u^2 quadtoquad 1+costheta+sintheta= frac2 (1 + u)1 + u^2$$
                    and likewise for $v:=tan(phi/2)$. Thus, $(1)$ can be rewritten as
                    pfrac(1+u)1+u^2 &= qfrac(1+v)1+v^2 \[4pt]
                    p^2fracu(1+u)(1-u)(1+u^2)^2 &= q^2fracv(1+v)(1-v)(1+v^2)^2

                    Dividing the second equation by the square of the first ...

                    $$fracu(1-u)1+u = fracv(1-v)1+v quadtoquad (u-v)(uv+u+v-1)=0 quadtoquad u=v, text or fracu+v1-uv=1 tag3$$

                    Therefore, we have one of the following situations (bearing in mind that $theta/2$ and $phi/2$ are each at most $pi/4$, so that we may draw appropriate conclusions from these tangent inequalities):
                    tanfractheta2=tanfracphi2 &quadtoquad theta=phi \[4pt]
                    fractan(theta/2)+tan(phi/2)1-tan(theta/2)tan(phi/2) = 1 &quadtoquad
                    tanleft(fractheta2+fracphi2right)=tanfracpi4 quadtoquad theta+phi=fracpi2endalign tag4$$

                    which match the sufficient conditions in $(0)$. $square$

                    share|cite|improve this answer


                    Consider two right triangles, with hypotenuses $p$ and $q$ and respective acute angles $theta$ and $phi$. To see that having equal perimeter and area makes them congruent, it suffices to show that
                    $$theta = phi qquadtextorqquad theta+phi=fracpi2 tag0$$
                    (Either makes the triangles similar, which in turn makes them congruent.)

                    Equating perimeters and areas gives a system we can write as

                    p(1+sintheta+costheta) &= q(1+sinphi+cosphi) \
                    p^2 sintheta costheta &= q^2 sinphi cosphi
                    endalign tag1$$

                    Defining $u:=tan(theta/2)$, we "know" that
                    $$sintheta = frac2u1+u^2 qquad costheta=frac1-u^21+u^2 quadtoquad 1+costheta+sintheta= frac2 (1 + u)1 + u^2$$
                    and likewise for $v:=tan(phi/2)$. Thus, $(1)$ can be rewritten as
                    pfrac(1+u)1+u^2 &= qfrac(1+v)1+v^2 \[4pt]
                    p^2fracu(1+u)(1-u)(1+u^2)^2 &= q^2fracv(1+v)(1-v)(1+v^2)^2

                    Dividing the second equation by the square of the first ...

                    $$fracu(1-u)1+u = fracv(1-v)1+v quadtoquad (u-v)(uv+u+v-1)=0 quadtoquad u=v, text or fracu+v1-uv=1 tag3$$

                    Therefore, we have one of the following situations (bearing in mind that $theta/2$ and $phi/2$ are each at most $pi/4$, so that we may draw appropriate conclusions from these tangent inequalities):
                    tanfractheta2=tanfracphi2 &quadtoquad theta=phi \[4pt]
                    fractan(theta/2)+tan(phi/2)1-tan(theta/2)tan(phi/2) = 1 &quadtoquad
                    tanleft(fractheta2+fracphi2right)=tanfracpi4 quadtoquad theta+phi=fracpi2endalign tag4$$

                    which match the sufficient conditions in $(0)$. $square$

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    answered 14 hours ago






                        Let $S$ be the circumference and $A$ twice the area of a triangle.

                        text and a_ib_i=A. tag1$$

                        After squaring, $S^2+2A-2S(a_i+b_i)=0$ and from here $a_i+b_i=S/2+A/S$. Thus, $c_i=S-(a_i+b_i)=S/2-A/S=c$, that is, triangles have the same hypotenuse.

                        Then, $a_i+b_i=S-c=T$ and $a_ib_i=A$, which results in a solutions for $a_i$ and $b_i$ expressed in terms of constants $A$ and $T$. Although one of the resulting equations is quadratic, there is a symmetric pair of solutions (thank you for comments below). Hence, all sides must be the same.

                        share|cite|improve this answer


                        • 3

                          Really nice proof. I have a niggle with your last statement though. In general, $2$ equations with $2$ unknowns may well have multiple solutions if they are not linear. For example, the OP mentions isosceles triangles, where the triangles $(8,8,12)$ and $(6,11,11)$ have the same perimeter and area even though isosceles triangles are also parametrised by two variables. Of course, in your case you know the sum and product of $a$ and $b$, which is a particularly nice pair of equations well known to have a symmetric pair of solutions.
                          – Jaap Scherphuis
                          16 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          @Jaap Scherphuis -- Thank you for your comment and clarification.
                          – dnqxt
                          16 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          @Dawood ibn Kareem -- Thanks for the comment. I added in the answer the clarification made by Jaap Scherphuis.
                          – dnqxt
                          9 hours ago



                        Let $S$ be the circumference and $A$ twice the area of a triangle.

                        text and a_ib_i=A. tag1$$

                        After squaring, $S^2+2A-2S(a_i+b_i)=0$ and from here $a_i+b_i=S/2+A/S$. Thus, $c_i=S-(a_i+b_i)=S/2-A/S=c$, that is, triangles have the same hypotenuse.

                        Then, $a_i+b_i=S-c=T$ and $a_ib_i=A$, which results in a solutions for $a_i$ and $b_i$ expressed in terms of constants $A$ and $T$. Although one of the resulting equations is quadratic, there is a symmetric pair of solutions (thank you for comments below). Hence, all sides must be the same.

                        share|cite|improve this answer


                        • 3

                          Really nice proof. I have a niggle with your last statement though. In general, $2$ equations with $2$ unknowns may well have multiple solutions if they are not linear. For example, the OP mentions isosceles triangles, where the triangles $(8,8,12)$ and $(6,11,11)$ have the same perimeter and area even though isosceles triangles are also parametrised by two variables. Of course, in your case you know the sum and product of $a$ and $b$, which is a particularly nice pair of equations well known to have a symmetric pair of solutions.
                          – Jaap Scherphuis
                          16 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          @Jaap Scherphuis -- Thank you for your comment and clarification.
                          – dnqxt
                          16 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          @Dawood ibn Kareem -- Thanks for the comment. I added in the answer the clarification made by Jaap Scherphuis.
                          – dnqxt
                          9 hours ago





                        Let $S$ be the circumference and $A$ twice the area of a triangle.

                        text and a_ib_i=A. tag1$$

                        After squaring, $S^2+2A-2S(a_i+b_i)=0$ and from here $a_i+b_i=S/2+A/S$. Thus, $c_i=S-(a_i+b_i)=S/2-A/S=c$, that is, triangles have the same hypotenuse.

                        Then, $a_i+b_i=S-c=T$ and $a_ib_i=A$, which results in a solutions for $a_i$ and $b_i$ expressed in terms of constants $A$ and $T$. Although one of the resulting equations is quadratic, there is a symmetric pair of solutions (thank you for comments below). Hence, all sides must be the same.

                        share|cite|improve this answer


                        Let $S$ be the circumference and $A$ twice the area of a triangle.

                        text and a_ib_i=A. tag1$$

                        After squaring, $S^2+2A-2S(a_i+b_i)=0$ and from here $a_i+b_i=S/2+A/S$. Thus, $c_i=S-(a_i+b_i)=S/2-A/S=c$, that is, triangles have the same hypotenuse.

                        Then, $a_i+b_i=S-c=T$ and $a_ib_i=A$, which results in a solutions for $a_i$ and $b_i$ expressed in terms of constants $A$ and $T$. Although one of the resulting equations is quadratic, there is a symmetric pair of solutions (thank you for comments below). Hence, all sides must be the same.

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                        edited 9 hours ago

                        answered 17 hours ago




                        • 3

                          Really nice proof. I have a niggle with your last statement though. In general, $2$ equations with $2$ unknowns may well have multiple solutions if they are not linear. For example, the OP mentions isosceles triangles, where the triangles $(8,8,12)$ and $(6,11,11)$ have the same perimeter and area even though isosceles triangles are also parametrised by two variables. Of course, in your case you know the sum and product of $a$ and $b$, which is a particularly nice pair of equations well known to have a symmetric pair of solutions.
                          – Jaap Scherphuis
                          16 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          @Jaap Scherphuis -- Thank you for your comment and clarification.
                          – dnqxt
                          16 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          @Dawood ibn Kareem -- Thanks for the comment. I added in the answer the clarification made by Jaap Scherphuis.
                          – dnqxt
                          9 hours ago

                        • 3

                          Really nice proof. I have a niggle with your last statement though. In general, $2$ equations with $2$ unknowns may well have multiple solutions if they are not linear. For example, the OP mentions isosceles triangles, where the triangles $(8,8,12)$ and $(6,11,11)$ have the same perimeter and area even though isosceles triangles are also parametrised by two variables. Of course, in your case you know the sum and product of $a$ and $b$, which is a particularly nice pair of equations well known to have a symmetric pair of solutions.
                          – Jaap Scherphuis
                          16 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          @Jaap Scherphuis -- Thank you for your comment and clarification.
                          – dnqxt
                          16 hours ago

                        • $begingroup$
                          @Dawood ibn Kareem -- Thanks for the comment. I added in the answer the clarification made by Jaap Scherphuis.
                          – dnqxt
                          9 hours ago



                        Really nice proof. I have a niggle with your last statement though. In general, $2$ equations with $2$ unknowns may well have multiple solutions if they are not linear. For example, the OP mentions isosceles triangles, where the triangles $(8,8,12)$ and $(6,11,11)$ have the same perimeter and area even though isosceles triangles are also parametrised by two variables. Of course, in your case you know the sum and product of $a$ and $b$, which is a particularly nice pair of equations well known to have a symmetric pair of solutions.
                        – Jaap Scherphuis
                        16 hours ago

                        Really nice proof. I have a niggle with your last statement though. In general, $2$ equations with $2$ unknowns may well have multiple solutions if they are not linear. For example, the OP mentions isosceles triangles, where the triangles $(8,8,12)$ and $(6,11,11)$ have the same perimeter and area even though isosceles triangles are also parametrised by two variables. Of course, in your case you know the sum and product of $a$ and $b$, which is a particularly nice pair of equations well known to have a symmetric pair of solutions.
                        – Jaap Scherphuis
                        16 hours ago

                        @Jaap Scherphuis -- Thank you for your comment and clarification.
                        – dnqxt
                        16 hours ago

                        @Jaap Scherphuis -- Thank you for your comment and clarification.
                        – dnqxt
                        16 hours ago

                        @Dawood ibn Kareem -- Thanks for the comment. I added in the answer the clarification made by Jaap Scherphuis.
                        – dnqxt
                        9 hours ago

                        @Dawood ibn Kareem -- Thanks for the comment. I added in the answer the clarification made by Jaap Scherphuis.
                        – dnqxt
                        9 hours ago



                        Consider a right-angled triangle with sides $a$ and $b$.

                        The hypotenuse has length $c=sqrta^2+b^2$.
                        Its area is $ab/2$, and perimeter is $a+b+c$.

                        I will allow $a,b,c$ to be any positive real numbers, not restrict them to positive integers.

                        Suppose we scale the triangles such that $ab=1$, (i.e. an area of $1/2$). Is it possible to have two of these triangles that are distinct but with the same perimeter?

                        We may assume that $a$ is the longer side, i.e. $a>b$, so we must have $a>1$.

                        The perimeter is
                        $$P(a) = a+b+c\ = a+b+sqrta^2+b^2\ = a+frac1a+sqrta^2+frac1a^2$$

                        This is an increasing function on the interval $[1,infty)$ because its derivative w.r.t. $a$ is positive for $a>1$. This is tedious to check by hand, so I used Wolfram alpha. You can however understand why this is the case by noticing that if you increase $a$, then the rate at which $a$ increases is larger than the rate at which $1/a$ decreases, and the same holds for $a^2$ versus $1/a^2$.

                        This means that there are no two values of $a$, both with $a>1$ for which you get the same perimeter.

                        Bringing it back to the original problem, it means that there are no two right-angled triangles with the same perimeter and area, unless they have the same sides. Basically, given an area and a perimeter, their two equations uniquely determine the two triangle sides because the lines those equations represent are not curved enough to intersect multiple times.

                        P.S. By the way, the OP mentioned that there are pairs of isosceles triangles with matching areas and perimeters, even when all sides and the area are integers. Two examples are:
                        $(29,29,40)$ and $(37,37,24)$,

                        and also
                        $(218,218,240)$ and $(233,233,210)$.

                        share|cite|improve this answer




                          Consider a right-angled triangle with sides $a$ and $b$.

                          The hypotenuse has length $c=sqrta^2+b^2$.
                          Its area is $ab/2$, and perimeter is $a+b+c$.

                          I will allow $a,b,c$ to be any positive real numbers, not restrict them to positive integers.

                          Suppose we scale the triangles such that $ab=1$, (i.e. an area of $1/2$). Is it possible to have two of these triangles that are distinct but with the same perimeter?

                          We may assume that $a$ is the longer side, i.e. $a>b$, so we must have $a>1$.

                          The perimeter is
                          $$P(a) = a+b+c\ = a+b+sqrta^2+b^2\ = a+frac1a+sqrta^2+frac1a^2$$

                          This is an increasing function on the interval $[1,infty)$ because its derivative w.r.t. $a$ is positive for $a>1$. This is tedious to check by hand, so I used Wolfram alpha. You can however understand why this is the case by noticing that if you increase $a$, then the rate at which $a$ increases is larger than the rate at which $1/a$ decreases, and the same holds for $a^2$ versus $1/a^2$.

                          This means that there are no two values of $a$, both with $a>1$ for which you get the same perimeter.

                          Bringing it back to the original problem, it means that there are no two right-angled triangles with the same perimeter and area, unless they have the same sides. Basically, given an area and a perimeter, their two equations uniquely determine the two triangle sides because the lines those equations represent are not curved enough to intersect multiple times.

                          P.S. By the way, the OP mentioned that there are pairs of isosceles triangles with matching areas and perimeters, even when all sides and the area are integers. Two examples are:
                          $(29,29,40)$ and $(37,37,24)$,

                          and also
                          $(218,218,240)$ and $(233,233,210)$.

                          share|cite|improve this answer






                            Consider a right-angled triangle with sides $a$ and $b$.

                            The hypotenuse has length $c=sqrta^2+b^2$.
                            Its area is $ab/2$, and perimeter is $a+b+c$.

                            I will allow $a,b,c$ to be any positive real numbers, not restrict them to positive integers.

                            Suppose we scale the triangles such that $ab=1$, (i.e. an area of $1/2$). Is it possible to have two of these triangles that are distinct but with the same perimeter?

                            We may assume that $a$ is the longer side, i.e. $a>b$, so we must have $a>1$.

                            The perimeter is
                            $$P(a) = a+b+c\ = a+b+sqrta^2+b^2\ = a+frac1a+sqrta^2+frac1a^2$$

                            This is an increasing function on the interval $[1,infty)$ because its derivative w.r.t. $a$ is positive for $a>1$. This is tedious to check by hand, so I used Wolfram alpha. You can however understand why this is the case by noticing that if you increase $a$, then the rate at which $a$ increases is larger than the rate at which $1/a$ decreases, and the same holds for $a^2$ versus $1/a^2$.

                            This means that there are no two values of $a$, both with $a>1$ for which you get the same perimeter.

                            Bringing it back to the original problem, it means that there are no two right-angled triangles with the same perimeter and area, unless they have the same sides. Basically, given an area and a perimeter, their two equations uniquely determine the two triangle sides because the lines those equations represent are not curved enough to intersect multiple times.

                            P.S. By the way, the OP mentioned that there are pairs of isosceles triangles with matching areas and perimeters, even when all sides and the area are integers. Two examples are:
                            $(29,29,40)$ and $(37,37,24)$,

                            and also
                            $(218,218,240)$ and $(233,233,210)$.

                            share|cite|improve this answer


                            Consider a right-angled triangle with sides $a$ and $b$.

                            The hypotenuse has length $c=sqrta^2+b^2$.
                            Its area is $ab/2$, and perimeter is $a+b+c$.

                            I will allow $a,b,c$ to be any positive real numbers, not restrict them to positive integers.

                            Suppose we scale the triangles such that $ab=1$, (i.e. an area of $1/2$). Is it possible to have two of these triangles that are distinct but with the same perimeter?

                            We may assume that $a$ is the longer side, i.e. $a>b$, so we must have $a>1$.

                            The perimeter is
                            $$P(a) = a+b+c\ = a+b+sqrta^2+b^2\ = a+frac1a+sqrta^2+frac1a^2$$

                            This is an increasing function on the interval $[1,infty)$ because its derivative w.r.t. $a$ is positive for $a>1$. This is tedious to check by hand, so I used Wolfram alpha. You can however understand why this is the case by noticing that if you increase $a$, then the rate at which $a$ increases is larger than the rate at which $1/a$ decreases, and the same holds for $a^2$ versus $1/a^2$.

                            This means that there are no two values of $a$, both with $a>1$ for which you get the same perimeter.

                            Bringing it back to the original problem, it means that there are no two right-angled triangles with the same perimeter and area, unless they have the same sides. Basically, given an area and a perimeter, their two equations uniquely determine the two triangle sides because the lines those equations represent are not curved enough to intersect multiple times.

                            P.S. By the way, the OP mentioned that there are pairs of isosceles triangles with matching areas and perimeters, even when all sides and the area are integers. Two examples are:
                            $(29,29,40)$ and $(37,37,24)$,

                            and also
                            $(218,218,240)$ and $(233,233,210)$.

                            share|cite|improve this answer

                            share|cite|improve this answer

                            share|cite|improve this answer

                            edited 14 hours ago

                            answered 17 hours ago

                            Jaap ScherphuisJaap Scherphuis





                                The area and the perimeter uniquely define the radius of the inscribed circle because $A=frac12Pr$, and the hypotenuse because $r=fracP2-c$. That fixes both $a+b=P-c$ and $ab=2A$ so $a$ and $b$ are also unique up to permutation, QED.

                                share|cite|improve this answer




                                  The area and the perimeter uniquely define the radius of the inscribed circle because $A=frac12Pr$, and the hypotenuse because $r=fracP2-c$. That fixes both $a+b=P-c$ and $ab=2A$ so $a$ and $b$ are also unique up to permutation, QED.

                                  share|cite|improve this answer






                                    The area and the perimeter uniquely define the radius of the inscribed circle because $A=frac12Pr$, and the hypotenuse because $r=fracP2-c$. That fixes both $a+b=P-c$ and $ab=2A$ so $a$ and $b$ are also unique up to permutation, QED.

                                    share|cite|improve this answer


                                    The area and the perimeter uniquely define the radius of the inscribed circle because $A=frac12Pr$, and the hypotenuse because $r=fracP2-c$. That fixes both $a+b=P-c$ and $ab=2A$ so $a$ and $b$ are also unique up to permutation, QED.

                                    share|cite|improve this answer

                                    share|cite|improve this answer

                                    share|cite|improve this answer

                                    edited 10 hours ago

                                    answered 10 hours ago

                                    Roman OdaiskyRoman Odaisky





                                        Long Comment:

                                        You can at least give the simple formulae for the perimeter $P$ and area $A$ of a right angle triangle.

                                        If $z^2=x^2+y^2$ is a primitive Pythagorean triangle with $x$ being the base of the triangle and $y$ being the height (due to the right angle), then $P=x+y+z$ and $A=frac12xy$

                                        Then you can quote the formulae for primitive Pythagorean Triples, where $z=left(a^2+b^2right)$, $x=left(a^2-b^2right)$ and $y=2ab$

                                        To expand to all the non primitive Pythagorean triangles we have



                                        $$A=frac12 left(a^2-b^2right)(2ab)c^2=left(a^2-b^2right)abc^2$$

                                        For two incongruent Pythagorean triangles 1 and 2 the condition is

                                        $$P_1=P_2 ;;textand ;; A_1=A_2$$

                                        For Perimeter:
                                        For Area:
                                        $$fraca_2+b_2a_1+b_1=fraca_1c_1a_2c_2left(fracb_1c_1b_2c_2frac (a_1-b_1) (a_2-b_2) right)$$

                                        Therefore combining both gives



                                        Using (1) and (2) we can eliminate the variables $c_1$ and $c_2$ eventually giving
                                        $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_1+b_1) a_1 =frac (a_2-b_2) b_2 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$
                                        $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_2-b_2) b_2 =frac (a_1+b_1) a_1 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$

                                        share|cite|improve this answer


                                        • $begingroup$
                                          In the version you use for primitive triples I think one needs $a,b$ odd and coprime, $a>b$ to give triples of positives. [That seems it would be known in that version…] I used the other version in my attempt, $p^2-q^2,2pq,p^2+q^2$ with $p,q$ coprime opposite parity and $p>q.$ Still didn't go to a finish in my attempts though.
                                          – coffeemath
                                          17 hours ago

                                        • 1

                                          updated to your version
                                          – James Arathoon
                                          16 hours ago



                                        Long Comment:

                                        You can at least give the simple formulae for the perimeter $P$ and area $A$ of a right angle triangle.

                                        If $z^2=x^2+y^2$ is a primitive Pythagorean triangle with $x$ being the base of the triangle and $y$ being the height (due to the right angle), then $P=x+y+z$ and $A=frac12xy$

                                        Then you can quote the formulae for primitive Pythagorean Triples, where $z=left(a^2+b^2right)$, $x=left(a^2-b^2right)$ and $y=2ab$

                                        To expand to all the non primitive Pythagorean triangles we have



                                        $$A=frac12 left(a^2-b^2right)(2ab)c^2=left(a^2-b^2right)abc^2$$

                                        For two incongruent Pythagorean triangles 1 and 2 the condition is

                                        $$P_1=P_2 ;;textand ;; A_1=A_2$$

                                        For Perimeter:
                                        For Area:
                                        $$fraca_2+b_2a_1+b_1=fraca_1c_1a_2c_2left(fracb_1c_1b_2c_2frac (a_1-b_1) (a_2-b_2) right)$$

                                        Therefore combining both gives



                                        Using (1) and (2) we can eliminate the variables $c_1$ and $c_2$ eventually giving
                                        $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_1+b_1) a_1 =frac (a_2-b_2) b_2 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$
                                        $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_2-b_2) b_2 =frac (a_1+b_1) a_1 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$

                                        share|cite|improve this answer


                                        • $begingroup$
                                          In the version you use for primitive triples I think one needs $a,b$ odd and coprime, $a>b$ to give triples of positives. [That seems it would be known in that version…] I used the other version in my attempt, $p^2-q^2,2pq,p^2+q^2$ with $p,q$ coprime opposite parity and $p>q.$ Still didn't go to a finish in my attempts though.
                                          – coffeemath
                                          17 hours ago

                                        • 1

                                          updated to your version
                                          – James Arathoon
                                          16 hours ago





                                        Long Comment:

                                        You can at least give the simple formulae for the perimeter $P$ and area $A$ of a right angle triangle.

                                        If $z^2=x^2+y^2$ is a primitive Pythagorean triangle with $x$ being the base of the triangle and $y$ being the height (due to the right angle), then $P=x+y+z$ and $A=frac12xy$

                                        Then you can quote the formulae for primitive Pythagorean Triples, where $z=left(a^2+b^2right)$, $x=left(a^2-b^2right)$ and $y=2ab$

                                        To expand to all the non primitive Pythagorean triangles we have



                                        $$A=frac12 left(a^2-b^2right)(2ab)c^2=left(a^2-b^2right)abc^2$$

                                        For two incongruent Pythagorean triangles 1 and 2 the condition is

                                        $$P_1=P_2 ;;textand ;; A_1=A_2$$

                                        For Perimeter:
                                        For Area:
                                        $$fraca_2+b_2a_1+b_1=fraca_1c_1a_2c_2left(fracb_1c_1b_2c_2frac (a_1-b_1) (a_2-b_2) right)$$

                                        Therefore combining both gives



                                        Using (1) and (2) we can eliminate the variables $c_1$ and $c_2$ eventually giving
                                        $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_1+b_1) a_1 =frac (a_2-b_2) b_2 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$
                                        $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_2-b_2) b_2 =frac (a_1+b_1) a_1 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$

                                        share|cite|improve this answer


                                        Long Comment:

                                        You can at least give the simple formulae for the perimeter $P$ and area $A$ of a right angle triangle.

                                        If $z^2=x^2+y^2$ is a primitive Pythagorean triangle with $x$ being the base of the triangle and $y$ being the height (due to the right angle), then $P=x+y+z$ and $A=frac12xy$

                                        Then you can quote the formulae for primitive Pythagorean Triples, where $z=left(a^2+b^2right)$, $x=left(a^2-b^2right)$ and $y=2ab$

                                        To expand to all the non primitive Pythagorean triangles we have



                                        $$A=frac12 left(a^2-b^2right)(2ab)c^2=left(a^2-b^2right)abc^2$$

                                        For two incongruent Pythagorean triangles 1 and 2 the condition is

                                        $$P_1=P_2 ;;textand ;; A_1=A_2$$

                                        For Perimeter:
                                        For Area:
                                        $$fraca_2+b_2a_1+b_1=fraca_1c_1a_2c_2left(fracb_1c_1b_2c_2frac (a_1-b_1) (a_2-b_2) right)$$

                                        Therefore combining both gives



                                        Using (1) and (2) we can eliminate the variables $c_1$ and $c_2$ eventually giving
                                        $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_1+b_1) a_1 =frac (a_2-b_2) b_2 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$
                                        $$frac (a_2+b_2) a_2 (a_2-b_2) b_2 =frac (a_1+b_1) a_1 (a_1-b_1) b_1 $$

                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                        edited 9 hours ago

                                        answered 17 hours ago

                                        James ArathoonJames Arathoon



                                        • $begingroup$
                                          In the version you use for primitive triples I think one needs $a,b$ odd and coprime, $a>b$ to give triples of positives. [That seems it would be known in that version…] I used the other version in my attempt, $p^2-q^2,2pq,p^2+q^2$ with $p,q$ coprime opposite parity and $p>q.$ Still didn't go to a finish in my attempts though.
                                          – coffeemath
                                          17 hours ago

                                        • 1

                                          updated to your version
                                          – James Arathoon
                                          16 hours ago

                                        • $begingroup$
                                          In the version you use for primitive triples I think one needs $a,b$ odd and coprime, $a>b$ to give triples of positives. [That seems it would be known in that version…] I used the other version in my attempt, $p^2-q^2,2pq,p^2+q^2$ with $p,q$ coprime opposite parity and $p>q.$ Still didn't go to a finish in my attempts though.
                                          – coffeemath
                                          17 hours ago

                                        • 1

                                          updated to your version
                                          – James Arathoon
                                          16 hours ago

                                        In the version you use for primitive triples I think one needs $a,b$ odd and coprime, $a>b$ to give triples of positives. [That seems it would be known in that version…] I used the other version in my attempt, $p^2-q^2,2pq,p^2+q^2$ with $p,q$ coprime opposite parity and $p>q.$ Still didn't go to a finish in my attempts though.
                                        – coffeemath
                                        17 hours ago

                                        In the version you use for primitive triples I think one needs $a,b$ odd and coprime, $a>b$ to give triples of positives. [That seems it would be known in that version…] I used the other version in my attempt, $p^2-q^2,2pq,p^2+q^2$ with $p,q$ coprime opposite parity and $p>q.$ Still didn't go to a finish in my attempts though.
                                        – coffeemath
                                        17 hours ago



                                        updated to your version
                                        – James Arathoon
                                        16 hours ago

                                        updated to your version
                                        – James Arathoon
                                        16 hours ago

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