Category:Anthony Hopkins SubcategoriesPages in category "Anthony Hopkins"Media in category "Anthony Hopkins"Navigation menuUpload mediaISNI: 0000 0001 2118 1187VIAF ID: 2662788GND ID: 119115263Library of Congress authority ID: n77005921BnF ID: 13954483rSUDOC authorities ID: 032842139IMDb ID: nm0000164NLA (Australia) ID: 35487921MusicBrainz artist ID: bdcc5ad0-076c-442c-a58c-9a413e160114NKCR AUT ID: pna2004259252National Library of Israel ID: 002131375BNE ID: XX1122626National Thesaurus for Author Names ID: 08942459XNLP ID: A1182217XReasonatorScholiaStatistics
1937 birthsHopkins (surname)Anthony (given name)Philip (given name)Commanders of the Order of the British EmpireWinners of Academy Award for Best ActorCecil B. DeMille Award Golden Globe winnersBest Actor BAFTA Award winnersMembers of the Order of the British EmpireKnights BachelorGolden Globe Award winnersActors from the United Kingdom born in the 1930sActors from WalesBAFTA Award winnersPrimetime Emmy Award winnersPeople of Port TalbotAlumni of the Royal Academy of Dramatic ArtThor actors20th-century men of the United Kingdom21st-century men of the United KingdomHannibal LecterHollywood Walk of Fame honoreesPeople with dyslexiaTransformers actors
Category:Anthony Hopkins
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Deutsch: Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, CBE (* 31. Dezember 1937 in Margam, Port Talbot, Wales) ist ein in den USA lebender walisischer Schauspieler und Oscar-Preisträger.
English: Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, CBE (born 31 December 1937 in Port Talbot, Glamorgan), is an Academy Award winning Welsh actor of film, stage and television.
Español: Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins CBE (n. 31 de diciembre de 1937, Gales) es un actor de cine, teatro y televisión galés.
Français: Sir Anthony Hopkins CBE, de son nom complet Philip Anthony Hopkins, est un acteur britannique naturalisé américain, né le 31 décembre 1937 à Margam, près de Port Talbot au Pays de Galles.
Italiano: Sir Anthony Philip Hopkins (Margam, 31 dicembre 1937) è un attore cinematografico e attore teatrale britannico.
Nederlands: Philip Anthony Hopkins (Margam, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan, Wales, 31 december 1937) is een Welsh acteur.
Polski: Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins (ur. 31 grudnia 1937 w Port Talbot w Walii), brytyjski aktor teatralny i filmowy.
Português: Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, CBE (Port Talbot, 31 de Dezembro de 1937) é um premiado actor britânico nascido no País de Gales.
Suomi: Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins (s. 31. joulukuuta 1937 Margam, Wales) on brittiläissyntyinen näyttelijä.
Svenska: Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, född 31 december 1937 i Margam, West Glamorgan, Wales, är en brittisk skådespelare.
Русский: Сэр Фи́лип Э́нтони Хо́пкинс (англ. Philip Anthony Hopkins; род. 31 декабря 1937, Порт-Толбот (ныне графство Нит — Порт-Толбот), Уэльс, Великобритания) — выдающийся британский актёр театра и кино, режиссёр.
日本語: サー・フィリップ・アンソニー・ホプキンス CBE(Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, CBE, 1937年12月31日 - )は、イギリス出身の俳優。
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Welsh actor ![]() | |||
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Date of birth | 31 December 1937 Margam Philip Anthony Hopkins | ||
Work period (start) | 1960 | ||
Country of citizenship |
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Educated at |
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Occupation |
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Field of work |
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
► Anthony Hopkins Centre (3 F)
► Anthony Hopkins wax figures (2 F)
Pages in category "Anthony Hopkins"
This category contains only the following page.
- Anthony Hopkins
Media in category "Anthony Hopkins"
The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total.
Anthony Hopkins (portrait).jpg
680 × 835; 225 KB
Anthony Hopkins cropped 2009.jpg
1,076 × 1,293; 226 KB
Anthony Hopkins-Tuscan Sun Festival.jpg
2,336 × 3,504; 1.98 MB
AnthonyHopkins cropped upperbody.jpg
300 × 450; 51 KB
448 × 767; 43 KB
697 × 887; 429 KB
162 × 178; 35 KB
Cast of The Silence of the Lambs.jpg
400 × 400; 60 KB
Anthony Hopkins.jpg
473 × 384; 45 KB
359 × 189; 26 KB
I Rossellini A Hopkins.jpg
1,024 × 768; 152 KB
Proof 001 (7288884714).jpg
361 × 330; 80 KB
Proof 002 (7288884878).jpg
275 × 384; 60 KB
- 1937 births
- Hopkins (surname)
- Anthony (given name)
- Philip (given name)
- Commanders of the Order of the British Empire
- Winners of Academy Award for Best Actor
- Cecil B. DeMille Award Golden Globe winners
- Best Actor BAFTA Award winners
- Members of the Order of the British Empire
- Knights Bachelor
- Golden Globe Award winners
- Actors from the United Kingdom born in the 1930s
- Actors from Wales
- BAFTA Award winners
- Primetime Emmy Award winners
- People of Port Talbot
- Alumni of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
- Thor actors
- 20th-century men of the United Kingdom
- 21st-century men of the United Kingdom
- Hannibal Lecter
- Hollywood Walk of Fame honorees
- People with dyslexia
- Transformers actors
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